Show us your cow, and we will make for it quality salt lick.

On the outskirts of Nakuru town, in Rongai, the maize is looking greener and healthy, an indication that farmers would this time round get a bumper harvest.

Maize is the main farming activity in the region, as the rest of Rift Valley, but the first sign of vibrant dairy farming is a milk bar at the Mangu Shopping Centre.

Our destination is Mangu village, some one-and-a-half kilometre away from the centre.

We are in the area in search of Joanne Nyakonyu, an agribusiness entrepreneur. Joanne runs a dairy cattle salt-lick processing agribusiness.

She is making the salt on a canvas material from several ingredients when we arrive.

“I do it manually currently after my mixer broke down. I have taken it for repair,” says Joanne.


The whole process starts at a grinder standing not far from her, which she uses to finely grind the ingredients before mixing them to end up with Milele Protein Lick that she packages in 1kg, 3kg and 5kg packs.

Joanne, 27, is the managing partner of Vanko Enterprises, which she co-owns with Vandrose Arithi, a friend.


Listening to her, one may believe she has knowledge in livestock production, but she is a 2014 BSc Information Technology graduate from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Jkuat).Arithi, on the other hand is a University of Nairobi graduate, having studied Bsc in Operations Management. He works at Jkuat.

“I studied IT and even worked at a university as a technician but I was frustrated by employment especially because the pay was low and irregular,” she recounts. “I quit two years ago and venture into business.”

Initially, the duo thought of starting a printing business. They would after all have ready clients from the students they served at the universities.

“But this turned out to be expensive because we had to import machines from China, pay goodwill for business premises and raise three-month rent, among other expenses,” recalls Arithi

The total capital required, he adds, was over Sh600,000.



“We feared this business would exhaust our savings, leaving us unable to cater for rent, electricity and other expenses.” They dismissed it.

After racking up her brains, Joanne floated the idea of venturing into agribusiness. She had after all, grown up in a family that generally loved farming.

“I explained to Arithi that I lived in an area where dairy farming is common, meaning that we would have a ready market for dairy cattle lick,” she says, adding, “All we needed was to offer a better product better than what is offered by big manufacturers.”



Joanne Nyakonyu, demonstrates the process of making livestock salt-lick in the Nakuru establishment that she runs together with Vandrose Arithi, a friend. PHOTO | RACHEL KIBUI | NMG


After consulting several livestock experts from Egerton University and the county, the duo decided to make salt lick, specifically for dairy cattle.

Their initial capital was Sh600,000, which they spent on buying raw materials, paying for licences, buying a grinder and a mixture, among others things like canvas.

Over time, they have perfected their knowledge through seminars organised by the government’s Department of Livestock in areas such as Kabarak, and Tomato, Rongai, Dumberi and Njoro Dairy Cooperatives.


The difference between their salt lick and that made by big companies, Joanne says, is that theirs has plant-based proteins.

“There is a farmer who manufactures oil from rapeseed, and sells the by-product as animal protein. So we approached and started sourcing the by-product from him as a base for our salt,” she says.They settled for the by-product because it is high in protein, and research shows it boosts production in dairy cattle.


Another reason why they went for it is that their market research showed none of the manufacturers uses it to make the salt lick.Besides the plant protein, other ingredients the two use are macro-nutrients and ground rock salt.They get the macro-nutrients from agrovet shops while she sources the rock salt from Magadi.

The plant protein and rock salt take a lion share of their formula when making the product, says Joanne, choosing not to disclose the exact ratios as that is their business ‘secret’.

A kilo of Milele Protein Lick goes for Sh200 with 3kg and 5kg retailing at Sh600 and Sh850 respectively.



On average, the company sells between two-three tonnes of the salt lick a month. Their main market is in Meru, but they also sell in Kiambu, Njoro, Molo, Nairobi and Nakuru. The salt is delivered to agrovet shops and dairy cooperatives for sale.

The salt lick first hit the market in October 2017 after several tests and sampling with dairy farmers.


Before venturing into the business, Arithi says one needs to have a registered business and take samples for clearance with Kenya Bureau of Standards.

It is also ideal to register the formula with the copyright board and the Kenya Association of Manufacturers.


While Arithi, who still works at the university, doubles up as the marketing and finance director, Joanne concentrates on production.

When she has many orders, she hires up to three casual labourers. The duo dream of owning a big salt lick factory, where they would use electric-powered machines like mixers and grinders, which are faster than what they currently use.



Joanne weighs and packages the salt lick in their Nakuru establishment. Besides the plant protein, other ingredients the two use are macro-nutrients and ground rock salt. PHOTO | RACHEL KIBUI | NMG


Though the business is much better than employment, Joanne says they still face challenges in convincing new clients, some of whom still believe that quality must come from renowned manufacturers.

Three months since he started using Milele Salt lick, Silas N’torithi, a farmer in Meru, says he has no regret. His dairy cow, he adds, improved production by six litres daily, from 10 to 16.

Dr Nicholas Kuria, a veterinary surgeon based in Nakuru, says to succeed in such a business, one must know what market needs and meet the demand.

Also, one should work with with livestock experts for technical advice, and possible links to markets.

“You do not have to have studied on livestock to succeed, most large-scale salt lick and even animal feed producers are not necessarily livestock experts, but have rather invested in research.”


What happens when animals don’t get salt

The animal experiences decreased urine production as the body attempts to conserve trace elements like sodium and chloride.This also leads to loss of appetite and weight loss.

The animal’s ability to utilise nutrition from feed decreases, meaning that it takes more feed to meet nutritional needs if the animal is still eating.

Animals develop a craving for salt. You may even see them eating or licking things like wood, barn dirt, rocks, and places where they or other animals have urinated.

In this case, the animal is simply trying to meet needs for sodium and other minerals.

There is decrease in milk production and fermentation process in the rumen doesn’t happen properly.The minerals provide essential elements such as phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron and zinc.


For a lactating cow, salt must be given. Sodium helps control the blood’s pH levels, and chloride helps in digestion and keeps the blood acid levels balanced.

Salt is made up of sodium and chloride, but it’s also an ideal carrier for a variety of essential minerals

seed of gold®

A detailed guide to growing leafy spinach

Spinach is a nutritious, hardy cool weather crop, grown for use as a cooked green vegetable or as salad. There are two main types of spinach, that is, smooth leaf and savoy (crinkled leaf).


Soil fertility

It is always important to test the soil nutrient level before planting as the pH should be maintained at 6.5 to 6.8. Soils with low pH will result in slow growth and chlorotic leaves. Because of sensitivity to magnesium deficiency, older spinach leaves may tend to show yellow colour similar to that caused by nitrogen deficiency or downy mildew. Do not automatically apply more nitrogen to try to develop the desired deep green colour. Spinach will accumulate excess nitrates if nitrogen is used in an attempt to induce green colour and this is dangerous to health.


Ecological requirements
Spinach is a cool weather vegetable and can survive the first frost of temperate climates. It germinates and grows optimally at temperatures between 4-16°C. However, it can withstand temperatures as low as -7C. Spinach grows best in a well-draining loamy soil with an optimum pH of between 6.4 and 7. It is sensitive to acidic soil and if the pH is too high. Although it prefers full sun, spinach can still produce significantly in partial shade. In hot weather, seeds germinate slowly or may fail to germinate completely. Heat also causes the plants to bolt (go to seed) quickly, ruining the flavour of the crop.


Planting and cultural practices

Propagation of spinach is solely by seeds. It is first raised in a nursery before transplanting into the main field.

Nursery establishment
Prepare the nursery bed, a metre-wide against the required length. Drill seeds across the bed at a depth of about 1cm, cover seeds lightly with soil and the nursery bed with a thin layer of dry grass (mulch). Water the nursery bed and seeds germinate within 5-7 days. Seedlings should be watered regularly.



Seedlings are ready for transplanting after 4-5 weeks, when with 3-4 leaves. This, however, depends on the ecological factors in the region, like temperature. Transplanting should be done on a cloudy day or late in the evening when the sun is cool. Note: Wet seedlings an hour before uprooting them from the nursery. This prevents root damages. To prevent transplanting shock, water can be sprayed to the transplants.



Select a site with full sun to light shade and well-drained soil. Plough the land 2-3 weeks in advance at a depth of at least 20cm and harrow the field. Prepare raised beds, recommended for proper drainage and root establishment depending on the amount of rainfall available.
However, in dry areas like Makueni, you can make a flat or sunken bed because of rain limitation. The beds should be 15cm high, a metre wide and about 100 metres long. Incorporate soil with manure and DAP. Water the beds, unless the soil is wet enough.
Plant the seedlings in the beds. This should be done at the same depth they were previously growing while in the nursery. They should be spaced at 30cm to 45cm between rows and 15cm between the plants. This gives room for the leaves to reach full size.



When seedlings sprout to about 10 to 12cm, they should be thinned 8cm apart. This helps in reducing competition as well as ensuring sufficient air circulation within the crops.


Weeds compete with the crop for growth factors like nutrients as well as they harbour pests. They should, therefore, be controlled. Since spinach roots are shallow and easily damaged, care must be taken when weeding.


This helps to keep the soil moist and to suppress weeds. Decomposed mulch releases nutrients into the soil, which are absorbed by the crop. It also helps prevent soil erosion.


Watering should be done regularly because spinach requires high levels of moisture.


Spinach requires sufficient nutrients for proper growth and development. It is, therefore, important to ensure that these nutrients are made available and in the needed quantities. For instance; for basal fertilisers like DAP, put a table spoon per hole and mix with soil at transplanting.

For CAN, put a tea spoonful and is banded around the plant as top-dressing at three weeks after transplant. NPK, are also be applied after the third harvesting to generate more leaves.


Crop rotation
Spinach should not be planted on the same plot over and over, because this causes pests and diseases to build up in the soil. Rotations should be done with other crops like beans, peas, lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes.


Pests and control

Cutworms and wireworms: Cutworms cut off the stems of young seedlings at ground level while wireworms feed on the foliage and roots. Drench soil with PENTAGON 50EC 20ml/20l or PROFILE 440EC 60ml/20l or alternative available in agrovets.


Aphids: These are small soft bodied insects found on the underside of leaves and/or stems of plant; usually green or yellow in colour. Infestation causes yellowing and distortion of leaves, formation of necrotic spots and stunted shoots. Aphids secrete a sticky, sugary substance (honeydew) which encourages the growth of sooty mold on the plants. Spray KINGCODE ELITE 50EC 10ml/20l or LEXUS 247SC 8ml/20l or LOYALTY 700WDG 5g/20l or available alternative.


Spinach crown mite: These mites live deep in the crown of the spinach plant. Their feeding causes deformation of leaves and small holes form in newly expanding leaves. Damage can be to newly emerged seedlings or to older plants. Spray ALONZE 50EC 5ml/20l or BAZOOKA 18EC 10ml/20L or available alternative.


Slugs and snails: They leave relatively large holes in spinach leaves. Slimy trails are evident. Drench soil with PROFILE 440EC 6oml/20l

Leaf miners: These leave meandering tan trails or mines on the leaves as they feed. Heavily infested leaves curl and become distorted. Spray ESCORT 19EC 10ml/20l or any available pesticide recommended by agro vet.


Flea beetles: These feed mostly on young foliage and the damage consists of a number of small holes, leaving the leaf looking as though it had been hit by a blast. The leaves sometimes have bleached and pitted areas. Spray LEXUS 247SC 8ml/20l or KINGCODE ELITE 50EC 10ml/20l or PRESENTO 200SP 5g/20l

Cabbage loopers: These caterpillars are pale green with white lines running down either side of their body. Feeding leads to formation of large or small holes on leaves and the damage is often extensive. Spray KINGCODE ELITE 50EC 10ml/20l or BACIGUARD 16WDG or LEXUS 247SC 8ml/20l


Armyworms: Feeding causes singular, or closely grouped circular to irregularly shaped holes on foliage. Heavy feeding by young larvae leads to skeletonised leaves, and egg clusters may be present on the leaves, which are covered in a whitish scale giving them a cottony or fuzzy appearance. Spray KINGCODE ELITE 50EC 10ml/20l or LEXUS 247SC 8ml/20l or PENTAGON 50EC 10ml/20l or BACIGUARD 16WDG 15g/20l


Damping off and root rot: Symptoms consist of poor seed germination, pre-emergence death of seedlings, post-emergence death of newly emerged seedlings, stunted plants, yellowed lower leaves, general poor growth, wilting, and eventual collapse and death of older plants. Roots of the infected plants appear water-soaked or brown to black in colour.

The upper taproot may be girdled by a necrotic lesion, and the tip of the taproot may be necrotic. In severe cases of infection, nearly all roots become girdled or rot off. While all stages of spinach can be infected by root rot organisms, newly emerging plants and young seedlings are very susceptible. Seek advice from agrovet for effective fungicide fungal diseases.


Leaf spot: Infection leads to development of small dark spots on the leaves. These enlarge forming brown lesions, which become brittle and eventually crack at the centre. The lesions can also develop on petioles and stems. Spray CHARIOT 500s 20ml/20l or RANSOM 600WP 15g/20l or BRADLEY 500SC 10ml/20l, however you will be advised on best alternative available


Downy mildew: Initially dull to bright yellow spots form on cotyledons and leaves of all stages. These spots enlarge and become browning and dry. Close inspection of the underside of the leaf often reveals the purple growth of the fungus. In severe cases of infection, leaves appear curled and distorted and may take on a blighted effect as a result of numerous infection sites.
Remember, every environment has specific challenges that require extra attention.


Otieno works in the Department of Crops, Horticulture and soils. Egerton University.

50 Best Animal / Livestock Farming Business ideas for 2018

Do you want to make money by starting a livestock farming business? If YES, here are 50 best livestock farming & animal related small business ideas for 2018.

Livestock farming is known to be the rearing of animals for food and for other human uses. The word Livestock was formally applied to only animals like cattle or dairy cows, chickens, goats, pigs, horses, sheep, in fact, all four-legged animals in general, but today, even animals like exotic birds, snails, fishes and insects such as bees are being raised as part of livestock farming.

Why Start a Livestock Farming Business?

Livestock is beneficial to the world because they provide food, meat, milk, eggs, honey, omega 3 oil, etc for the use of humanity. The skins or hides and even hair of these animals have been used to make blankets, clothing, shoes and the like.

The livestock industry is known to be very profitable right from time because the business can be started with little or no training and as well as very small capital. You do not need a special degree to start this business though you may need to spend some time learning about the intricacies of the particular niche you want to go into.

If you do not mind getting your hands dirty, or if you prefer to make a living through animals, here are 50 livestock related business ideas you can start and make quite a tidy income from.

1. Snail Farming

Snail is an animal in the mollusk family, and snail farming is the process of raising land snails specifically for human consumption. The nutrients in this animal is what informed its production and high consumption. Snails are quite rich in protein, iron and almost all the amino acids that are needed for in the human body, and additionally, it has little or no fat content.

The demand for snails is increasing day by day globally not only by consumers, but also the cosmetics industry as snail slime has been discovered to be great for the skin in reducing aging and repairing damaged skin. The profit margin is also extremely high in commercial snail farming.

Snail farming business opportunity demands discipline and specific knowledge in modern technology. The demand for snails both in domestic and export market is higher than supply because not a lot of people are into this business.

2. Bee keeping

This foul tempered insect has been serving the needs of humans since the beginning of time. A lot has been said about the healing properties of honey, which is a bee by-product. With the increasing awareness of the health benefits of honey, the demand has increased exponentially.

Bees are reared for their honey and other by-products like beeswax, and this is a profitable venture that can be started with very minimal startup capital. You don’t need to have land or any establishment to start the beekeeping business, but the business demands day-to-day monitoring with close supervision of the bees.

3. Commercial fish farming: fish is one commodity that would constantly be in demand because of its high nutrient content. With the various modes of preservation, the farmer is assured of not incurring any loss to his or her investments.

Commercial fish farming business is a lucrative investment that can spin money at any time of the year on a regular basis. With the implementation of modern techniques and owing the proper land mass, an entrepreneur can start this business with moderate capital investment.

4. Livestock feed production business: it is a fact that livestock needs to eat, and a lot of them are known to consume a lot of food especially during their growth phase. If you are familiar with the technicalities surrounding the mixing of formula, then you can comfortably start this business and make good profits out of it.

It is a fact that livestock farmers are always searching for the right food and food supplementary products that would help them increase yield and reduce diseases. If you can help in this regard then you would have no problems marketing you livestock feed.

5. Quail farming: quails are very little birds that produce very nutritious eggs. Commercial quail farming is all about raising quails commercially for the purpose of profitable egg and meat production. Recently, a lot of people have come to discover the amazing health benefits of quail egg and a lot of people are now going into quail egg farming. Depending on how you decide to go about it, the quail egg farming business can be started with very minimal capital, even less than $200.

6. Livestock research institute: Livestock research institute works to improve food security through research for better and more sustainable use of livestock. The outcomes of these research help people to keep their farm animal’s alive and productive, increase and sustain their livestock and farm productivity, find profitable markets for their animal products, and reduce the risk of livestock-related diseases. This business can be quite capital intensive, but it is very rewarding especially as you can seek research grants from the government.

7. Shrimp farming: Shrimps, though small in nature, but it a very profitable business in the aquaculture industry. In fact, it is estimated to be a multi-million dollar industry today, and any individual can make a six figure income from his or her small-scale shrimp farm.

One other fact about this business is that you do not need a lot of education to start this business, but you must have some technical skill about the farm management practice. In addition, the business demands dedication, routine checkup and monitoring.

You must have the right knowledge about equipment, larvae, supplies, medicine, feed, feeders etc for you to succeed in the business. The business has immense export potentials because not all countries produce shrimps in commercial quantities.

8. Fish Hatchery: the success of the fish farming business is dependent on the hatching process as if the process does not go well, it might affect the quality of fish or shell fish produced. A fish hatchery is a place for artificial breeding, hatching and rearing of fin fish and shellfish in particular. Hatcheries produce larval and juvenile fish primarily to support the aquaculture. You can start a hatchery and sell your juveniles to fish farms if you are familiar with the technicalities.

9. Piggery: pork is one meat that most people can’t do without, and this makes pig rearing a very lucrative business. If you have sufficient land mass at your disposal, you can start a piggery business. Among the various livestock species, piggery is the most potential source of meat and pigs are very efficient feed converters. Pig farming can be started with little experience and small investment as long as the entrepreneur already has land at his or her disposal.

10. Chicks Hatchery: birds are another animal that you can start a hatchery business for. Chicks hatchery business involves incubating eggs until they hatch. You can then sell the hatched chicks to poultry farmers. It is a fact that a lot of poultry farmers do not have the capacity to hatch their own chicks, so you could provide this service to them for a fee, or you could buy the eggs from the poultry farmers, hatch the chicks and sell them back to the farmers. This is a highly profitable business to start with a small capital and no specialized knowledge is required.

11. Dairy Farming: milk is a society staple and as at today, the world cannot do without milk. Commercial dairy farming is all about raising dairy cows for their milk, and it is a very profitable agricultural business idea. Apart from milk, the cows produce a good quantity of manure that you can sell and make profit from. You can help increase your state’s milk production through profitable dairy farming.

12. Goat Farming: Goats are one very resilient animal that are raised mainly for their meat and sometimes milk because their milk is said to be very high in protein and other vitamins more than cow’s milk. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under an intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years.

13. Fodder Farming for Goats and Cows: Fodder is any agricultural foodstuff used specifically to feed domesticated livestock, especially ruminants such as horses, pigs, cattle and goats. The term fodder typically means food given to animals, rather than the food they forage for themselves. Types of plants typically grown for fodder include alfalfa, barley, oats, clover, grass and wheat.

If you have a good landed are, you could decide to plant fodder crops and sell them to livestock farmers to use for their animals. If you don’t own land of your own and want to get into baling, meet with local farmers who grow their own oats, barley and wheat, and offer to bale the crops for them.

14. Livestock Consulting: if you are quite knowledgeable in livestock farming, you could set up a business offering targeted advice to livestock farmers about their business. As with other consulting services, livestock consulting requirement is surely expected to grow with coming days. People with experience and knowledge in a specified field of farming activity can consider offering consulting services to organizations and farmers.

15. Ostrich farming: ostrich is a very huge bird that produces more meat than any other bird. Ostrich meat is by far the healthiest alternative to our traditional meat. It has lower fat, calories and cholesterol than beef, chicken, turkey pork and fish.

While chicken, turkey and other birds are referred to as white meat, ostrich meat in contrast is referred to as red meat because it is similar in colour and taste to beef. If properly managed, a single female ostrich can produce up to 72,000 kilograms of meat, 2,000 square meters of leather and 2,000 kilograms of feathers during her economic (productive) lifetime.

Compared to other traditional farm animals (cattle, goats, pigs, fish, chicken and turkey), ostriches are quite easy to raise and most ostrich farm projects turn out to be very successful. Apart from a few farms in South Africa, North America, Europe and Asia, ostriches are probably the least farmed birds in the world.

16. Turkey farming: Turkeys found in cold rooms and food marts are as a result of commercial turkey production, and it is indeed a profitable business idea. Turkey grows faster like broiler chickens and become suitable for slaughter within a very short time, thus making it suitable for business.

Raising turkey for meat is more popular than raising turkey for their eggs. Turkey farming is similar to other poultry birds farming like chickens, ducks, quails etc. For profitable meat production, you have to use some modern turkey breeds that are raised for commercial production. These types of turkey breeds have a maximum feed to meat conversion rate. They consume less feed and convert this feed to meat within a very short time.

17. Turtle farming: Turtle farming is the process of breeding, hatching, and raising turtles for sale to the pet and food industries. The turtle farming industry is believed to have originated in the United States in the 1940s as people started breeding turtles harvested from wild populations.

Today, turtle farmers in the United States supply turtles to the pet and food industries in North America and Asia. Turtles are routinely eaten in Asia and in some rural parts of North America. Farms that raise healthy, disease-free baby turtles are relatively common in the United States, and most of these turtles are sold as pets in the market.

18. Meal worm farming: Protein is one of the most expensive supplements to buy for animals, and yet it is an essential component of any omnivore’s diet, whether they are pig, poultry, canine, or others. Mealworms are said to be one of the easiest, cheapest, and most space efficient ways to raise protein for your animals. You can raise these worms easily in commercial quantities in a small space and sell them to farmers.

19. Ladybug farming: One of the most friendly bugs today which paved the way for larger crop production is none other than the ladybug. Instead of using chemicals and fertilizers which damage the soil, plants and the health of human beings, a ladybug is one of the best alternatives.

Ladybugs are one of the best forms of integrated pest management that handles common garden pests. Ladybugs feed on aphids and they are said to be able to eat up to 50 aphids in just one day. You can farm these bugs and sell them to farmers.

20. Knacker’s yard business: Slaughterhouses that process meat not intended for human consumption are sometimes referred to as knacker’s yards or knackeries. Knackers usually slaughter animals that are not fit for consumption or can no longer work on a farm such as work horses that can no longer work.

21. Rainbow Trout fish farming: Trout is the common name for a number of species of freshwater fish, and a majority of the rainbow trout available in the market today is raised in a commercial farm. Trout is a cold water fish, and it grows fast if you take good care of it. They are also highly resilient. The taste and texture of the farmed fish is similar to wild-caught fish so people would not know the difference.

Raising rainbow trout commercially is a profitable alternative to conventional agriculture and it can be practiced with very little land, provided that water conditions in the facility and the care and feeding of the trout are properly maintained.

22. Maggot farming: Maggot farming is the act of growing maggots for the industry. Maggots are used to feed fish and poultry and they are easier to raise than worms. They are a nutritious, natural food that is rich in protein. A variety of species of fly can be used to raise the maggots, including the black soldier fly as well as various other fly species. Due to convenience, fly species are often used which are indigenous to the area of cultivation. These maggots are fed on organic waste materials before being harvested and dried into a natural and sustainable animal feed.

23. Slaughterhouse or abattoir business: A slaughterhouse or abattoir is a facility where animals are slaughtered for consumption as food. Slaughterhouses first slaughter the animals or birds sent to them before they are shipped off for packaging. Slaughter houses are strictly regulated to prevent contamination of meat, and to prevent them from killing sick animals.

24. Farmers market: A farmers market is a physical retail marketplace intended to sell foods directly by farmers to consumers. One can start a farmers market that caters exclusively to livestock and poultry, or you could start a business akin to a livestock exchange.

25. Abalone farming: Abalone is a common name for any of a group of small to very large sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks. It is known to be a delicacy in China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and in some countries in Latin America.

In the past years, this mollusk is often served as a luxury meal. Most of the time, it is served in big weddings, birthdays and other big events. These days though, it is served even in the most common restaurants in these countries. The abalone has proven to be a relatively easily cultured shellfish and you can make a lot of profits from farming this shell fish.

26. Oyster farming: As consumers throughout North America have discovered the culinary appeal of this humble mollusk, and aquaculturists who can grow high-quality oysters efficiently are reaping the rewards. The average oyster contains close to 2 grams of protein. A serving of 12 oysters contains 21.96 grams of protein, with only about 4 grams of fat.

Oysters are low in cholesterol and rich in zinc, iron, calcium, and vitamin A. Oysters start out as larvae, so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. In about a year, they can grow to 1 – 1-1/2 inches. They usually reach market size within 18 months to 2 years’ time.

27. Broiler: Generally, highly meat productive birds or poultry breeds are called broiler poultry, but broiler chicken is a special species of poultry. The broiler chicken has been modified in a scientific way to enable it produce more meat in a short time, so basically, broiler is a type of poultry reared only for meat production. Broilers today have emerged as one of the fastest growing poultry segments, and it is very profitable because of the less maturation time.

28. Freshwater Prawn farming: A freshwater prawn farm is an aquaculture business designed to raise and produce freshwater prawn or shrimp for human consumption. Prawns are typically harvested from fresh water, so they can be easily farmed. It takes approximately 6 months for prawns to grow to harvesting size, so they would not tie down your capital much. The good thing about this business is that it is not capital intensive.

29. Veterinary business: Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in non-human animals. The scope of veterinary medicine is wide, covering all animal species, both domesticated and wild, and it takes care of a wide range of conditions which can affect different species.

30. Tilapia fish: According to the National Fisheries Institute, tilapia fish has climbed to become the fourth most eaten seafood in the U.S., behind only shrimp, salmon and canned tuna. The fish has become the third most important fish in aquaculture after carp and salmon with worldwide production exceeding 1,500,000 metric tons in 2002. Keep in mind that tilapia need five things to grow fast and healthy and they are clean water, oxygen, food, light, and room to swim.

31. Horse breeding: Horse breeding is particularly the human-directed process of selective breeding of horses, particularly purebred horses of a given breed. Planned mating can be used to produce specifically desired characteristics in domesticated horses.

The use of modern breeding management and technologies can increase the rate of conception, a healthy pregnancy, and successful foaling. Horse breeding as a business is quite tasking as you need to meet the exact required specifications before you can get what you need.

32. Camel Farming: camel is one animal that is quite useful all round. Camels provide milk, meat, hair for textiles or goods such as felted pouches, and as such it is a profitable animal to farm. Camel farming is popular in Australia, North America, Africa and Asia Pacific countries. Many countries in Africa and Asia depend on camels to supply most of their needs from transportation to milk and meat.

33. Carp Fish Farming: Common carp farming is a very profitable business. However, you must maintain the right fish management system before you can get the best out of this fish. Some common species of the fish include silver carp, grass carp, bighead carp, black carp, common carp etc.

34. Crab Farming: crabs are very popular crustaceans, and they are very nutritious and delicious foods. Mud crab farming is a lucrative business, and it demands very small investment when compared to others. Mud crab has huge demand and price in the international market. The red claw and green mud crab are the two species of crabs available for commercial farming.

35. Deer Farming: deer has started getting farmed for commercial purposes, but it should be noted that not all countries allow deer farming. However, it is a profitable business that you can start from your backyard. Compared to traditional livestock, the deer industry is booming. Also, raising deer maximizes land potential so that even small tracts of marginal property can be used to raise the animal.

36. Duck Farming: Duck farming or duckery is a profitable business that can thrive in any location, even your backyard. This is because you can keep ducks without having any water body around. Duck rearing gives steady income on daily basis. Duck rearing does not require elaborate housing like poultry, and the ducks eat fallen grains in harvested paddy fields, insects, snails, earthworms, other small fishes etc.

37. Emu Farming: The emu is the second-largest living bird by height. Emus are soft-feathered, brown, flightless birds with long necks and legs, and can reach up to 1.9 metres (6.2 ft) in height. The bird is mostly considered a big chicken, though its meat resembles and tastes like beef. The males grunt like a pig and both genders love to roll around in the mud. Major emu growing countries are USA, Australia, France, China, Japan, European countries, Malaysia and India.

38. Layer Poultry Farming: Layer poultry farming means raising egg-laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. There are various types of highly egg productive layer breeds available throughout the world. They start laying eggs commercially from 18-19 weeks of age. They even continue to lay eggs till their 72-78 weeks of age.

39. Ornamental Fish Farming: Ornamental fish are flashy fishes that are kept in aquariums in homes as pets. About 7.2 million houses in the USA and 3.2 million in the European Union have an aquarium and the number is increasing day by day throughout the world.

Ornamental fish farming is also growing to meet this demand. Today, Ornamental fish farming has become one of the most profitable business ventures in the world. This is a kind of small-scale fish farming that can be done in a backyard and one can still make some good bucks out of it.

40. Marketing livestock Products: Maybe you don’t want to get your hands dirty, and would like to put your internet and business marketing skills to work. Livestock farmers can always use a hand in marketing their products. If you are a marketing expert, then one of the livestock related business ideas you could consider should be a marketing consultant to area farms.

In addition to consulting, you can market livestock products by reselling products online or locally, becoming a drop ship distributor, designing websites and offering search engine optimization etc.

41. Rabbit Farming: Rabbits are popular for their wools. Rabbits are highly prolific and a good female can produce 25 to 30 kits (young ones) per year. In addition, rabbits are the best producers of wool on per kg body weight basis. They require 30 percent less digestible energy to produce one kg of wool as compared to sheep.

42. Start a cold room business: The demand for frozen livestock products is increasing globally. An entrepreneur living in a metro or suburban city can start this business with proper planning. Cold storage is essential for extending the shelf life and period of marketing of poultry and other meat products in order to avoid rot and maintenance of quality of the products. Therefore, the cold storage industry has an important role to play in reducing the wastage of perishable products.

43. Pet Birds Farming: Another livestock farming business you can consider is pet birds farming. In this case, you will be breeding birds for pet purposes and other domestic use, but never for consumption. Examples of pet birds include Parrots, Doves, Pigeons, Peafowls (Peacocks and Peahens), etc.

44. Worm farming: worms are very beneficial to farmers, sadly not all farms have enough of them. Because worms have an important role to play in maintaining soil fertility, there is a huge and steady market for them. Worm farming is the easiest way of turning fruit and vegetable scraps into a great potting soil or soil amendment for your house plants or garden. Worm farming is specifically vital and useful for people who will like to compost their food scraps but do not have vacancy for backyard compost bin.

42. Guinea pig farming: Breeding guinea pig is very lucrative and rewarding because they are very prolific. First of all, mating them is very simple. Rearing them is as well easy and at the end of the day, you will smile as you watch these little creatures grow and develop. Just ensure that you will be capable of providing good homes for the babies when you sell them.

43. Sheep Farming: Sheep are raised mainly for their wool, milk, skin and manure production. Additionally, sheep meat is very tasty, nutritious and popular in a lot of countries. Basically, sheep farming business is a great source of income and it is beneficial for eradicating poverty from the barren, desert, semi-arid and mountainous areas. The most lucrative aspect of this business is that you don’t need to have a huge capital investment to start a sheep farming business.

44. Finishing Enterprise: a finishing enterprise is a business that produces livestock, especially cattle of a specific grade. In a finishing enterprise, 700 to 900-pound feeder cattle are fed to reach a market weight of approximately 1,100 to 1,200 pounds. Traditionally, a finishing enterprise requires a large amount of grain feeding to produce a grade beef animal.

There is some demand for grass-fed beef cattle, which only receive mother’s milk and grass pasture or hay throughout their lives. Beef cattle usually reach market weight at 15 to 30 months of age. A finishing enterprise buys off cattle from farmers at a specifics stage and rears them to the required weight before they are sent to the slaughter.

45. Cow-Calf business: a cow-calf business mainly breeds cows in order to sell their calf. The calves are sold at approximately six months of age and at 500 pounds. Some cattle producers raise purebred or seedstock cows. The young bulls produced are sold as breeding stock to commercial cattle producers, which raise cattle for meat production. Cow-calf enterprises require adequate feed to maintain the cows throughout the year, and facilities for raising the cow and calf pairs.

46. Feeder Calf or Stocker Enterprises: After weaning, calves are called feeder calves. Ranchers or farmers raising feeder calves purchase the weaned calves and raise them to 700 to 900 pounds. This type of operation works well if pasture, grazing land or abundant hay is available.

A specific type of feeder calf enterprise is called backgrounding, where a farmer or rancher purchases calves at weaning time and cares for the calves during the transition from weaning to finishing. Sound health management and nutritional practices are required for backgrounding calves. After one to six months in a backgrounding program, the calves are sold to finishing operations.

47. Meat Processing: Meat processing is the use of machines to process and package meat that is to be taken to the market. Commercial meat processing is a capital-intensive business, because all processed meat products must in one way or another be physically and/or chemically treated. Additionally, you must have proper distribution and marketing strategies before initiating the business.


20 Best Sources of Competitive Advantage in Business.

The world of business is highly competitive and here, the winner takes it all. This is why businesses find themselves continuously struggling through their entire existence to best their competitors. Those who couldn’t meet up with the stiff competition are almost always hedged out of the race, or are bought over by better competitors if they are worth it.

Because of this reason, every business strives to develop a unique competitive advantage that would allow it a fighting chance in whatever industry it belongs to.

If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” – Jack Welch

What is Competitive Advantage?

A competitive advantage generally is an advantage businesses have over their competitors. In other words, competitive advantage is something that a company does better than its competitors. This advantage can be gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and services that justifies higher prices.

“An organization’s ability to learn and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage.” – Jack Welch

The more a business is able to sustain its competitive advantage, the more difficult it is for competitors to neutralize that advantage. This is why companies fight hard to protect whatever advantages they have developed over their competitors. Competitive advantages can manifest in form of cost structure, superior brand, quality of product offerings, distribution network, intellectual property, customer support etc.

Here are 20 competitive advantages that companies can utilize to set their businesses apart from the crowd, and real life examples of companies that achieved success with those strategies.

  1. Production Process

The organization and practices of a company is one of its strongest sources of competitive advantage. If you have superior methods of producing results you will definitely enjoy competitive advantage. Processes and practices can be difficult for competitors to replicate, and as such, they would become unique to you, at least for a while.

  • Example:

In 1855, inventor Henry Bessemer took out a patent on a process for the mass-production of steel. The process was so valuable that it reduced the cost of producing steel from £40 per ton to £6 per ton. It went on to become one of the most valuable patents in history.

Bessemer decided to sell the patent, but the person/company that decided to buy the patent didn’t know how to run the process. He just could not get the process to work like Bessemer did because the patent involved some elusive tacit knowledge that was difficult to express on paper.

It turned into a legal tussle, but in the end, Bessemer decided to run his own steel mills. His company became one of the world’s largest and most profitable firms. This was made possible only because his business process was difficult to replicate.

  1. High volume production

If your business has the capacity to produce great quantities at a time; then it can gain a sustainable competitive advantage. The company may have to reduce its profit margin, but it will recoup it through high volume sales and turnover.

Example, Ford established an assembly line that enabled its products to be mass produced and as such bringing great profits to the company in the 50s. It was able to produce more than 50 million cars in less than a span of a decade thus enabling it to monopolize the market for long.

  1. Human resource

People are the driving force behind most competitive advantage. If your employees are better than others at innovating, creating, producing and establishing relationships, you may achieve competitive advantage.

For example, if you hire a modern day Thomas Edison who pumps out ground shaking innovation after ground shaking innovation, that is a sustainable competitive advantage worth holding on to. Your competitors may be able to copy your products but they’ll never be able to copy your people. You have to beware though for companies are always on the lookout for highly competent employees to poach.

  1. Market Anticipation

If a company is able to anticipate what consumers are likely to make use of, they would gain a lot of competitive advantage for themselves. A lot of companies have stayed ahead of their industry by always anticipating trends and even creating needs that never existed before. Exhaustive marketing would ensure these needs are entrenched in the minds of consumers, and thus providing a steady market for the company’s products and services.

For example, Facebook is the first platform that really defined social networking. The way it executed its services got people wanting to key into the service. They anticipated a need to keep long lost friends connected, and they went ahead to craft a service that fulfilled that need. In fact, Facebook was able to create a need that wasn’t already in existence, and filled the need it created.

  1. Sustainability

Sustainability delivers competitive advantage. Reports have been produced showing that companies who have embraced sustainability have out-performed companies who have not. Sustainability ensures that the values a company is known for are preserved no matter how much it grows and expands. The companies who have embraced sustainability have a significant competitive advantage over those who have not.

An example here would be Coca Cola. Coca-Cola sells carbonated sugar water yet they have built one of the most valuable and recognizable brands in the world through product and quality sustainability.

  1. Experience

Offering customers’ unique experience whenever they patronize your services is also a great competitive advantage.

A good example is Starbucks. A good majority of people would admit that their product is not significantly better than the competition. The reason they are so successful, and people patronize them with such high level of frequency, even to the extent of pre paying for their products, is the experience.

Starbucks knows this and embraces it. The company provides in store content network, free Wi-Fi, phone charging ports, and exclusive music releases etc.  There are almost the only company that trains its customers to order a product using not only the right words but in the right order.

  1. Brand image

Brand image takes long to build, but once it has been built, and customers trust the brand, then it serves as a huge competitive advantage for the company in question. Also, a brand that says something positive about the customer who buys the brand is a powerful competitive advantage. We all want to convey a positive personal image, and we tend to use favourable brands to do that.

For example, Nike. Nike has a great brand image that confers sophistication on the user of their product. The company creates a running experience through marketing mostly, rather than trying to win minds with technological developments in the area of footwear.

  1. Technological advancement

The world of technology is racing ahead of everything else, and companies are using superior technology to carve a unique niche for themselves. By being the first inventors or innovators of a particular product, they gain exclusive rights to its production and marketing.

Apple and the iPhone are great examples here. This company has held its leadership position using innovation as a competitive advantage.

  1. Corporate reputation

Companies struggle through various means to maintain a good reputation for themselves, because reputation breeds consumer loyalty. Corporate reputation is a form of sustained competitive advantage that companies such as Price Waterhouse have leveraged to become world class entities.

  1. Low pricing

A competitive advantage that is yet to fail companies is low pricing. With the poor economic situation, a lot of people prefer to shop where they can get discounts. This is the sole reason why companies like Walmart are still holding on to a large chunk of the grocery market.

  1. Innovation

Innovation is another way to gain competitive advantage. If a company is constantly thinking up new things or releasing new features or products, then it would very much stay ahead of its competitors and even lead industry trends.

Example, Google is the number one search engine and the best website for optimization searches that returns the most accurate results in no time. Google has achieved a competitive advantage by offering innovative services such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Finance, Google Docs, and more, thus maintaining an incredibly powerful infrastructure and occupies 70% of the internet market.

  1. Strategic Alliance

Forming strategic alliance is quite beneficial for a business as such alliances open up hitherto un-assessed routes for the business. Most firms cannot get anywhere in the business world riding on their own individual capabilities, and as such, they need to form alliances.

Strategic alliances are joint ventures that businesses use to pool resources and gain themselves exposure at the expense of other competitors not in the alliance. Granted that most alliances formed end in failures, but any alliance that solidifies can become a great competitive advantage for the organization.

For example, Spotify and Uber can be referred to as a genius partnership. When you enter an Uber car, you are welcomed by your favorite playlist, and this provides added value, thus providing a source of competitive advantage and exclusivity for Uber cars. For Spotify, it provides an incentive for users to upgrade to the premium level that Pandora, iTunes or YouTube don’t have.

  1. Market Penetration

One growth strategy in business is market penetration. A small company uses market penetration strategy when it decides to market existing products within the same market it has been using. The only way to grow using existing products and markets is to increase market share. Market share is the percent of unit and dollar sales a company holds within a certain market vs. all other competitors.

One way to increase market share is by lowering prices. McDonald’s for instance offers what other quick serve restaurants do, including speed service, but they were able to gain the massive market they have because of their initial extensive market penetration strategies.

  1. Exclusive re-selling or distribution rights

Holding exclusive distribution right is another source of sustainable competitive advantage Exclusive distribution is an agreement between a supplier and a retailer granting the retailer exclusive rights within a specific geographical area to carry the supplier’s product. When a company holds exclusive rights to a product within a given territory; that product can only be sourced from the distributor or holder of such rights.

Few competitive advantage processes work better than this. An example of exclusive distribution agreement is one that was undertaken between Laser Shot, Inc. in Texas and Lamperd Less Lethal, Inc. in Canada. Laser Shot, Inc. developed forearms simulators and Lamperd Less Lethal was the only company licensed to sell those items in Texas.

  1. Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is said to be the shared habits, behavior, beliefs, mission, norms and symbols of an organization. For an organizational structure to be a source of competitive advantage, the employees need to have a common mission. You could have the best and brightest workforce on the planet, but it would be of no effect if they have no common mission. An effective culture focuses the energies and abilities of their employees on producing meaningful results.

An example of a company that uses company culture as a competitive advantage is Twitter. Employees of Twitter can’t stop raving about the company’s culture including their rooftop meetings, friendly coworkers and a team-oriented environment in which each person is motivated by the company’s goals. No only these, but they get yoga classes, vacations and various other perks that helps them remain loyal to the brand.

  1. Method of Sale

Dell transformed the PC industry by cutting out the middlemen. It invested in direct sales channels to increase consumer preference and undercut its competitors with lower prices. Innovations in sales techniques can open up new markets while cutting costs.

  1. Market Responsiveness

Market responsiveness is a great competitive advantage especially for companies that retail products. The company should be able to respond to consumer demands quickly, or even anticipate their needs. H&M is the second largest clothing retailer in the world, and they bring designs from the runway to its stores with remarkable speed, neglecting the six months wait before clothes are expected to hit the shelves.

  1. Company Flexibility

The success of manufacturing companies in today’s business environment depends on their ability to keep up with the constantly changing marketplace. The ability to change swiftly is a strength and source of sustained competitive advantage that Microsoft leveraged upon to become the largest software company in the world.
19. Speed

Businesses have quickly realized that speed can be used to develop competitive advantage. Speed can include speed to market, speedy delivery and speedy service, the most important thing is that things are done with speed. Any time a business can do something faster than the competition, they are going to experience some level of success. A company that has mastered this need for speed is Amazon Prime.

Not only are they extremely efficient and accurate at delivery service, but speed is a major priority. Through Amazon Prime, the company’s flagship paid membership service, customers can get guaranteed two-day delivery on all products that are Prime eligible.

  1. Product Differentiation

Differentiation is a strategy that businesses often use to set themselves apart from their competitors. Businesses that differentiate themselves typically look for one or more marketable attributes that they have that can set them apart from their competitors.

They then find the segment of the market that need those attributes or products and market to them. The process can also work in the other direction with businesses conducting research to determine which things consumers find most important and then developing a niche market for those products or characteristics.

Whole Foods was able to go beyond grocery into building on their staff, molding them into content generators and thought leaders, thus making their marketing team a mix of tech-savvy and traditional marketers.

In conclusion, there are a lot of other ways companies can gain competitive advantage over companies in the same line of business. Superior product or customer support, barriers to entry, localization, business processes, production system, technological advancement, employee engagement, cost leadership, etc are also tried and trusted methods.

The key to gaining competitive advantage is for the company to find what it is good at and strive to do it better than the competition.

13 Easy Steps on How to Become a Teenage Entrepreneur.

There is a popular misconception that if you want to be an entrepreneur, it is best to wait till later in life to start pursuing that goal. This however is very far from the truth. As a matter of fact, many popular entrepreneurs today started their businesses when they were still in their teenage years.

While a lot of teenagers waste their time working entry level jobs at fast food restaurants in the United States, some of their counterparts have taken the initiative to become entrepreneurs and build legitimate businesses. A lot of these teenage entrepreneurs have been able to make thousands and some even millions before they entered adulthood, and this could be your case if are super ambitious and have a great idea up your sleeve.

3 Examples of Teenagers That Started a Business and Succeeded

Examples of teenage entrepreneurs include, Adam Hildreth who with the aid of 6 friends was able to launch the famous English social networking site, Dubit when he was just 14 years old in 2004. By 2005, Dubit was worth over 3.7 million dollars. Today, it is estimated that Adam Hildreth has a net worth in excess of 38 million dollars.

Bean Belnick at the age of 14 created a website dedicated to the retail of all types of furniture. With just an initial investment of 500 dollars, he started his business from his bedroom. In the year 2004, he was able to move to his first warehouse and by 2009 he had more than 702,000 square feet of warehouse space. In 2010 Bizchair had sales of more than 58 million dollars.

Cameron Johnson on the other hand was just 9 years of age when he started his business of selling invitation cards. By the time he was 11 years of age, he had saved enough money to start his business and form his own company. He delved into several other ventures like EZ mail, an email forwarding company, and other online advertising companies. By age 15 he was receiving monthly cheques of up to 400,000 dollars. Today he is worth over 3.2 million dollars. This goes to show that with contentious effort, age is not a barrier to entrepreneurship or success.

What Does It Take to Become an Entrepreneur as a Teen?

Before you take a step to become an entrepreneur, you should ask yourself “do I have the stomach for this?” Entrepreneurship is not all fun and laughter; it comes with its ups and downs and business failure is not uncommon in the United States. Just like having a child, starting a business is a full time venture. It takes a lot of commitment, time and effort, so therefore you need to have the stomach to handle this.

You also have to know if you are comfortable handling multiple responsibilities because if you are just starting up your business, there is a very big chance that you are your only employee. That is you may be the chief marketing officer, chief sales person, receptionist etc. and if you are not comfortable joggling multiple responsibilities, then you should learn how to do so for your business to succeed.

It is never too early to kick start your career as an entrepreneur in your teenage years, here are a few guidelines that will help you get started.

  1. Program your mind for success

At times, it is hard for us to believe that anything out there is possible because we have never seen it. Most of what is taught in school are stepping stones that will allow you to go to college and get a job. Unfortunately, very few schools have classes on entrepreneurship and most teenagers out there do not know a lot of business owners or successful entrepreneurs so they have nobody to follow on their path to success.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to program your mind for success. You will need to study about successful entrepreneurs and get to know what they did to get to where they are today, read books on personal development and listen to such podcasts to learn as much as possible.

There are a lot of people that young people can look up to. Research the stories of people who have made it and are making it, surround yourself with excellence and success from young people who are doing great things. You will find out that they not only give ideas and strategies to grow your business but also keep you motivated and wanting to keep going. Find at least one person in your industry that is doing really well so that you can look up to him/her. Create an environment of success and surround yourself with people you want to be like.

You will also need to read the right books because you will have to put the right things into your mind to be able to generate success. Even with the tight schedule that comes with entrepreneurship, you still have to make out time and read for you to upgrade your knowledge, personally develop yourself and get into the right mindset. Books about entrepreneurship will help to sharpen your business sense and intelligence and will also improve your investing skills.

Autobiographies and biographies of successful entrepreneurs and books written by them should not lack in the library of an entrepreneur. Books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki among others can help to develop your entrepreneurial skill. Learning is a never ending process and to be successful, you will need to have a hunger to learn new things all the time.

  1. Get a mentor

Starting up your own business as a young person can be quite intimidating. Your business may present you with tough decisions and questions that you may not have the experience that is required to proffer answers to. This is where a mentor comes in. A mentor is an experienced individual who you can lean on his experience, knowledge and resources to help you to develop your business.

Your mentor does not necessarily need to be in the niche of the business you do. Your mentor will advise you, help you to take difficult decisions, constructively criticize you, give you helpful contacts and connections etc. His personal success story will also help to motivate you in your endeavors. Not having a mentor in your business can result in wastage of time and resources.

3. Treat your life like a science experiment

If you are someone who is not sure of what to do yet with their lives or maybe you want to start your own business and follow your own dream, but you are not yet sure; what you can do is to try as many things as possible and treat your life like an experiment. So say yes to everything and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it again, but if you like it, you can go ahead and pursue it. Do as many things as possible as quickly as possible to figure out what it is that really interests you in life.

4. Don’t ask anyone for permission

As a teenage it is not uncommon to ask adults or parents for their advice, guidance or permission if you have a business idea. But the truth still remains that this is your dream and you do not need to ask anyone for permission in order to do it. Parents and adults are usually wise and do give good advice, but at times they can also offer you bad advice too.

Most times, your parents will want you to go down the path of least resistance. They do not want you to take a risk; rather they want a very safe life for you devoid of uncertainty. Unless your parents are business owners you should not follow any advice that is contrary to your dream.

Furthermore, you have to be prepared to encounter negative people. Negative people abound in the world and their pessimistic attitude will exhaust, discourage and prevent you from achieving your goals. Chances are that you know someone or will come in contact with someone who only sees what is wrong with your business.

They can be friends, a parent et al. Sometimes, they may have good intentions but they are hardly ever helpful. You will have to put on a figurative earmuff to keep their voices at bay and also try to surround yourself with positive people.

5. Avoid following the herd

As an entrepreneur, you should avoid doing what every other person is doing because they are not going to be entrepreneurs. Most people are going to go to college, get a job and work for somebody else. If you want to be the one percent, you cannot do what the 99 percent are doing. So if you are doing everything your friends are doing like lazing about, partying in the weekends, playing video games, this will make you end up like most people.

6. Seek venture capital

This may sound kind of scary especially if you are a young teenager because you may be worried that people will not take you seriously. However, there are a lot of people who have a lot of money and are looking for where to invest that money in. Venture capital is when people invest in what can be considered as a high risk investment.

It is an investment in someone’s idea or a business idea by giving them the capital that is required to put the idea or business in motion. There may or may not be one in your immediate area, but you can make use of the internet and social media to your advantage to find one.

Furthermore, you should also find an accelerator. Startup accelerators support new businesses with growth potentials. The support can be in form of mentorship, education and funding. Startups enter accelerators for a specific time period as part of a company. The aim is to accelerate the progress and development of the startup within a short period of time. Some well established companies have private startup accelerators that are targeted at specific niches such as agriculture, technology, healthcare, finance etc.

7. Be shrewd with your money: When you finally get the fund to run your business, spend it wisely. Don’t be frivolous with your spending; wasting it on things that don’t matter while neglecting the important things. Use your money wisely and it will go a long way for you.

8. Get the prerequisite experience if necessary

Business is all about providing and adding value. A challenge that a lot of young people face is that they don’t have the necessary prerequisite experience to provide the much needed value that a product or service ought to have. So how do you surmount this? Get experience. Whether you go to work for someone or volunteer at events, you will need to get more experience in other to provide value for your potential customers.

So whenever you want to add something that is missing in your business or whatever you feel that you need to get better at, go take a course, volunteer or get a part time job. In order to earn, you have to learn, get better at it and then earn. Get experience and then add your own tweak to the equation for a winning recipe.

Furthermore, learning from your own mistake is a good thing but learning from the mistakes of others is even better. Read about and talk to other entrepreneurs about the mistakes they have made and then try to prevent the same fate from befalling you

  1. Surround yourself with the right people

The people who surround you and whom you associate with will definitely shape your mentality and the way you act and feel. Seek out and be close to people who are living the life that you want to live and exemplify. These people will challenge you.

The may not tell you the things that you want to hear, but they will tell you things that you have to hear in order to take your life to another level. Surround yourself with people who ask questions, who dream big and people who are relentless workers. They will help to inspire and motivate you more in your endeavors. Stay away from the nay Sayers.

10. Be passionate about whatever you intend to do

Being passionate about your business is one of the ingredients that will help to foster the growth of your business. Doing what you love because you love it and not just for the money will help to take your business to greater heights. Also, when your business is going through a tough time (and it is to be expected), your passion will be the driving force that will propel it through such time.

If you don’t love your business, it will be stressful for you. Furthermore customers, colleagues, members of staff, investors, advisors etc. can sense when you don’t have passion for your business and it will definitely rub off badly on them.

11. Network with the right people: In order to start and grow your business, it is best to network with people who can help you bring your dreams to fruition. In that vein, it is advisable that you should become active in the industry you intend to start your business in. Don’t just have a mindset that people will look down on you because you are young, but just try to get into the industry and build a reputation for yourself.

12. Take risks and face your fears

Even though starting a business is a risky ordeal, you still have to take additional risks in order to succeed in your chosen enterprise. Being risk averse is definitely not a recipe for success. Take calculated risks when necessary to move your business to the next level.

It is however good to note that taking risks does not mean the same thing as taking a blind leap of faith. You have to do concrete research to back up your final decision. Also, as a young entrepreneur, you will have a couple of fears; yet shying away from them is never the best thing to do.

Face your fear and you will discover that they will become demystified and smaller. Common fears that young entrepreneurs face include not knowing where to start from, not being an expert, being considered crazy due to radical ideas, not finding startup funds, not attracting customers etc.

13. Set goal

Set goals that will serve as timely evaluations of how well you are doing in growing your business. This will help you decide if you are doing fine or if you need to change something for the better improvement of your business. The goal you set should be divided into short, medium and long term goals. Ensure that the goal you set are measured regularly, attainable, and realistic and time phased. If possible, endeavor to surpass the goals that you set for yourself and business.



13 Best Ways to Build a Business Brand Online from Scratch.

What is a Brand identity?

Branding is the way your business is perceived by you, your team and customers especially when they interact with your business. Your brand is your identity. It is the reason why people will choose you over someone else. It is what will make your customers to be willing to reach into their wallets and pay for what you have to offer instead of going for what your competitors have.

To create a brand, you have to be focused and also you will have to have a message that is clear and resonates with the people. According to a research that was conducted by Neilson’s Global New Product Innovation, it was discovered that 59 percent of customers will prefer to go for a new product from a brand that is familiar to them as opposed to an unknown brand.

Building a brand from scratch for a business or product is not an easy process. This is because you will be competing against bigger and more established businesses that have devoted customers and more funds. Building a brand goes beyond coming up with a name, a well-designed logo, a slogan and a few targeted adverts.

Importance of Creating a Brand identity for your Business

Creating a brand is really important for every business and thus every entrepreneur needs to spend time, energy and resources in order to brand his or her business because;

  1. Your brand makes you unique and differentiates you from your other competitors.
  2. Brand increases the popularity of a business thereby making it easily recognizable.
  3. A good brand helps to generate referrals, because people will like to tell others about the products they have used and liked.
  4. A clear brand strategy provides the staff in a business with the direction that the business is headed.
  5. Your brand helps you to connect with your customers on a sentimental and emotional level
  6. A strong business brand sets an expectation in the mind of customers and thus will create a mental picture in their mind any time the encounter the business or product.

So how do you build your brand? You build it by staying aligned with the core message that your business is about. It is basically why you built the business. You need to be focused and not broad because the more focused you are, the more you can construct what your ideal customer looks like and thus you can easily build a profile of them.

You can easily find out what their age is, their occupation, desires, goals and what you have that they need. Here are other tips that will help you to build your brand from scratch.


1. Focus: Building a brand does not have to be a very difficult process. All you have to do is to do all the right things that build a brand and then continuing doing them. You will have to communicate your core beliefs to your customers.

The core beliefs are the core messages about your business. If you put your message out, it will attract customers who will want to know more about your business. This also includes having partners and staff that align with your message.

You need to have partners and staff that believe in your brand and are willing to work with you to achieve your goal in spreading your message. The importance of focus for a new brand or business cannot be over emphasized because as a new kid on the block, you can’t be everything to everyone so will have to be focused.

2. Consistency: make sure that your message is always the same. Every time you make an effort to brand or improve your brand, you will have to ensure that the message that is being passed to your potential customers is in line with your core message. Every time you create a new product, your product must reinforce your core message. Same goes with any partner or staff that may be affiliated with your business.

3. Determine your Audience: for a business to build its brand, it has to determine who it intends to focus on with its branding effort, (that is the target audience). Be specific and try to find out in specifics the details and lifestyle of your customers so that you can tailor your mission and message to meet them specifically.

If your target audiences are teenagers, college students who study abroad in foreign schools or single moms who work from home, your effort and message for them should be tailored down to a level that they will understand, relate to and accept.

4. Determine your Core Message: to create a brand that your target audience trusts and relates to, you will need to know the core knowledge and belief that your business has and intends to pass. The core message of a business should be captured in its mission statement and it defines what the business is and why it exists and will influence every other aspect in your brand building effort.

Your core message should be reflected in all aspects of your business and brand including in your slogan, message, personality and voice. For example, Warby Parker’s (an eye glasses company) mission statement is: “to offer designer eye wear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for a socially-conscious business”. This mission statement is well reflected and represented in their business.

It specifies the type of eye wear it sells at what price range and to what purpose. Warby Parker even goes further with their mission statement by adding that “we believe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. It should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket”. Here you can see that the mission statement is clear and they their brand is still able to cut across a wide variety of people.

5. Research About your Competitors: You should research about other brands that are similar to yours yet you should never copy exactly what they have on ground. You should strive to be unique and thus let your potential customer see the reason why they should go for what you have instead of patronizing your competitors.

Researching about your competitors will also help you to find out what your competitors have done right or wrong so that you can borrow from this to maximize the right and discard the wrong you see in their branding efforts. You should also read their customer reviews, find out about the quality of the service that they offer and also try to find out if they are consistent in their core messages which they post across their various channels.

Google-search the niche in which your brand falls into and determine the direct and indirect competitors that you may have. You can also try to shop (both online or offline) to determine how customers browse through and make their final choice as to which product to settle for. All these will help you to have a feel of who your competitors are in the business sphere.

6. Outline the Advantages That Make your Brand Stand Out: Even though there will always be bigger brands that have more staff or budget than you do, you will still have to figure out what separates your business for them (that is what you have to offer that no other person has) in order to build your brand. It could be its affordability, ease of use or even your customer care efforts.

This will give your target audience a reason to pay for what you have. For example, Lush is not just like every other makeup brand that is available in the market today. They are also strong advocates of ethical buying and the also encourage things that are handmade.

7. Choose a Business Name: There is a saying that no matter what a rose is called, the sweet scent will still be the same, yet if a product like Nike had a different name, it would be seen on fewer feet. Even though building a brand goes beyond having a name, you will have to realize that your business name is one of the first things that a potential customer notices about your brand. And first impressions matter a lot.

Your business name will inform the logo you design for your business, your domain and your trademark registration. A business name should be unique and easy to remember. Also it should not be too specific because you may need to expand your business to other fields that you did not intend initially.

You can make use the service of a freelancer to help you come up with a brand name or you can make up the name yourself by using any other following approaches.

  • Choose a name with a meaning that reflects your business like, The Cheesecake Factory
  • Invent a name like in the case of Pepsi
  • Create a word by mixing two already exiting words like Face and book to generate Facebook
  • Using the initials of a longer name like CNN (Cable News Network)
  • Altering the spelling of a word by adding or removing letters from its spelling like Orban Box.

When choosing a name, it is better to go for names that have an available domain name instead of one that has already been taken.

8. Create a Great Logo, Slogan or a Tagline: Apart from your business name, a business logo, slogan or tagline are very important tools in a branding campaign. They have the ability to make you stand out from the crowd or just being perceived as boring and uninspiring.

Your logo and slogan will appear in everything that is related to your business, be it your letter head or your business card and will even serve to represent your business when it has become an established and popular brand. Because these elements will always serve as a visual reminder of your business, it is advisable to create a logo and slogan that is epic even if it means spending your time or money to achieve this. You can hire a freelancer or a professional designer to help you create these elements.

9. Determine the Tone and Voice of your Brand: The voice of your business brand is how you communicate with your clients and customers and how they respond to you. It is largely dependent on your mission statement. The voice that your brand takes can be professional, friendly, service oriented, conversational or informative. A lot of businesses are known for their friendly customer care while some tend to have a more professional tone.

10. Determine the Personality of your Brand: Your customers will not be impressed by a brand that is a jack of all trades and yet master of none. They need a brand and a product that is tailored to their specific needs. To determine the personality of your business, you will have to determine your mission statement, determine words that you would associate with your brand and the metaphors and concepts that describe your brand.

The process of brand building is a continuous and never ending process. Your brand should be visibly represented in all your business does and in all things that you want to display to your customers. From your business card to your work environment, your business brand must not be found wanting or lacking. When you create a website, a social media page or even an email, your voice, mission statement and personality should be reflected in it all.

11. Stay Loyal to Your Brand: When a business improves, the business owner or decision maker may feel that there is a need to change the brand, yet unless the decision to change comes as a result of consumer response, then it may not really be necessary to effect the change.

Stay true to your brand message and don’t constantly change it unless it is really necessary. Inconsistency in branding will not only confuse customers but will also make future branding efforts more difficult. For example Apple has always promised to “think different” and this is always reflected in their radical and trend setting designs and concepts which they continue to exhibit till today.

12. Hype your Brand: In the process of building a brand from scratch, it is up to you, and your staff to hype your brand and help in spreading the word. No one knows your business like you do, so it is up to you to be the first and best advocate of your business.

When hiring your staff, make sure that their objectives are in line with what your company stands for so that they can effectively represent your business irrespective of where they find themselves. Also, you need to encourage your loyal customers to post reviews about their experience with your brand and to also recommend it to others.

In conclusion, an effective branding campaign can help to transform a small unknown business into a force to be reckoned with. Building and maintaining a brand is a continuous process. A brand continues to grow and evolve as you expose it to more customers and get feedback on how to communicate more effectively with them. You can’t really have 100 percent control over how people perceive your brand but you should always strive to create the best first impression in the minds of your customers.


Tomato Production Guide

Tomato, scientifically known as Lycopersicum esculentum Miller is an important and popular vegetable grown in many parts of the world. The fruit is used as an ingredient in many food preparations and is regarded as one of the most profitable crops for off-season production, preferably from May to September.

Recommended Varieties

Tomato varieties are classified according to their growth habit such as indeterminate or determinate type. The indeterminate type develops new stems from axillary bud in the leaf subtending the inflorescence with continued growth of internodal inflorescence every 3rd to 4th leaf with sequential maturity depending on the type variety and management, prolonging the harvesting period.

The determinate type is bushy with an inflorescence limited only to 4-6 leaves and the next buds are developed slowly if not aborted restricting the prolific flowering resulting in shorter production period. The characteristics of tomato varieties recommended for production are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of recommended varieties of tomato.
Variety Days to harvesting (DAT) Productive period (months) Yield
Fruit Type Planting season Reaction to pests and diseases
Color Size Shape
Apollo for fresh market 35 2-3 30 Red orange Medium large oblong Determinate Dry season TMV-MR bacterial wilt-MR
Magilas for fresh 30 1-2 30 Pink red large oblong Determinate Dry and wet season Dumping off-R wilt-R TMV-R
Atlas (F1) 40 2-3 40 Red orange Medium Large oblong Semi determinate Dry and wet season Bacterial-R wilt-R TMV-R
Atlas(rafted) (kamlong) 40 2-3 40 Red orange Medium large oblong Semi determinate Wet season Bacterial wilt-R TMV-R
Cherry 50 4-5 40 Red orange Medium round Indeterminate Dry and wet season Wilt R TMV -MR
TMV – Tomato Mosaic Virus.  MR – Moderately resistant; R – resistant

Site Selection

Choose a part of the farm that is slightly elevated and has good drainage to avoid water logging in case a flash flood occurs during the wet season. For dry season planting, make a catchment with a canal directed into it to drain excess water after each irrigation schedule. Choose a sandy loam or clay loam soil with a pH of 5.5-8.0.

Growing Season

Tomato can be grown anytime of the year. In hilly areas, plant tomato from September to January. For lowlands, plant from November to February. Grow off-season type and grafted tomatoes (kamlong) from May to September for bigger profit.

Land Preparation

With a carabao drawn implement, plow and harrow the area once and twice if the soil is not in good tilt. Then set furrows at a distance of 100 cm before transplanting the indeterminate type or semi-viny. For determinate type with bushy growth habit set at 75 cm distance between furrows.

Crop Establishment

There are two methods of seedling production: the use of seedbed and seedling trays.

1. Seedbed method

* For 1000 m2 tomato production, use one seedbed measuring 1 x 10 m so that seedlings will not be overcrowded, thereby producing seedlings with bigger stems. Cover the seedbed with 3-5 cm thick rice hull and then burn completely to minimize the incidence of pre-emergence damping-off on the seedlings.

* Mix 10 kg compost and 100 g complete fertilizer and incorporate these evenly into the seedbed. Sow the seeds in small shallow furrows at 20-30 g/10 m2. Cover the seeds lightly with fine soil. Dust the surroundings of the seedbed with Sevin SP to control ants, and spray 1 tbsp of Vitigran Blue per gallon of water to avoid infection of damping-off. To ensure uniform germination of the seeds, saturate the seedbed with water for the first three days using sprinkler until the seeds emerge.

* To avoid succulent stem, regulate watering as soon as the seedlings have emerged. For the seedlings to have a good start, apply urea at a rate of 1 tbsp/gal of water at 7-14 days after emergence (DAE). Sprinkle water on the seedlings using a sprinkler (regador) immediately after applying the fertilizer to avoid burning effect on the leaves. Drench the seedbeds with Vitigran Blue at the rate of 1 tbsp/gal of water once damping-off is observed.

* To produce hard seedlings, water the seedbed only when plants show temporary wilting (this can be observed in the morning) and repeat regularly starting at 14 DAE until the seedlings are ready for transplanting, which is at 25-30 DAE. Water the seedbeds thoroughly before pulling the seedlings for transplanting to minimize root damage.

2. Seedling tray method

* Seedling tray method needs only 100 g seeds/ha or 10 g for 1000 m2. Plant the seeds singly in each hole of the tray intended for seedlings with potting medium available at seed stores, or bake garden soil for 2 hours. When cooled, mix the garden soil, fine sand and compost at the ratio of 3:1:1. Drop 2-3 grains of 14-14-14 in each hole before filling with the soil mixture. Care and maintenance of seedlings is the same as in seedbed, but transplanting shock is minimized in tray method.

3. Transplanting

* For wet season planting, use one month old seedlings because these are harder, taller, and can withstand the impact of rain. Transplant seedlings at a spacing of 0.50 m between hills and 1.0 m or 0.75 m on rows or furrow right after irrigation water run in the furrows. For dry season, transplant 25-day-old seedlings.

* To avoid breaking the stem of seedlings during transplanting on irrigated furrows, hold the roots with the thumb and forefinger then push towards the soil at 3-5 cm deep depending on the length of the stem. For an area of 1000 m2, transplant the seedlings on the right side of the furrows for the first half of the area. For the next half, transplant on the left side of the furrows. For easier off-barring, use a carabao-drawn plow.

* For seedlings in trays, transplant each seedling together with the soil medium from the tray using the same planting distance and method of transplanting as in seedbed method. If grafted tomato will be used, transplant the seedlings 3 cm deep to the hole and cover firmly with light soil. Do not cover the grafted part to avoid infection. Support the transplanted seedlings with trellis.

Nutrient Management

Broadcast chicken manure or organic fertilizer before land preparation or at final harrowing to fully incorporate the fertilizer into the soil (Table 2). Apply 14-14-14 at transplanting so that seedlings will be healthy and vigorous before flowering. Delayed application will result in weaker plants and smaller fruits. Side dress using urea mixed with muriate of potash (0-0-60) for higher fruit setting, and to prolong the fruiting period of the crop.

Table 2. Fertilizer requirement for tomato production.
Kind of Fertilizer Rate of Application per ha 1000m2) Time of Application Method of Application
Chicken manure 500 kg (250 g/plant) before plowing Basal/broadcast
or or
Organic fertilizer 250 kg (125 g/plant) final harrowing Basal/broadcast
14-14-14 25 kg (125 g/plant) At transplanting Basal
Urea+0-0-60 15 kg 15 g/plant 21 days after transplanting (DAT) (at 3rd irrigation) Side dress
15 kg
Source: Gajete, T.D. et. al 2004

Water Management

1. Four to five irrigations are needed from transplanting to 14 days before the last harvest depending on the type of soil. Tomato is very sensitive to flooding; hence, irrigation must be done just to moisten the root zone especially during the onset of flowering up to the last harvest.

2. The following irrigation schedule must be followed for a 1000 m2 area:

* First : during transplanting (flooding) or hand watering
* Second : 14 DAT (flooding) or hand watering
* Third : at vegetative stage (21 DAT), water at 1 L/hill.
* Fourth : at flowering and early fruiting (30 DAT) water at 1 L/hill.
* Fifth : optional, depending on the appearance of the plants at harvesting stage (hand water if necessary)

3. Irrigate by furrow (quick passing) to minimize soil erosion and to favor high fruit setting. Waterlogging for 24 hours will favor the occurrence of wilt diseases and reduce fruit setting. In the absence of surface irrigation, water the plants weekly at the rate of 1 L/hill until two weeks before the last harvest.

4. For tomato with plastic mulch, water twice a week for the whole crop duration.

Pest Management

Insect pests and diseases of tomato are managed by using chemical, biological, and remedial measures. Most of the pests and diseases of tomato are common throughout the year except thrips and whiteflies, which are present only during dry season starting in January, declining in May and ending in June or July depending on the arrival of rain. The farmer or any amateur grower may try the suggested biological and remedial measures in managing the insect pests and diseases as presented in Table 3. In case of pest outbreaks, the use of chemical pesticidesas shown in Table 4 is the last resort.

Insect Pests

1. 28-spotted beetle (Epilachna philippinensis) – This is a small beetle with brownish yellow forewings dotted with 28 black spots. Both adults and larvae are destructive by feeding on the leaves of tomato and other solanaceous crops. They feed by scraping the surface of the leaves until it has been skeletonized.

2. Fruit worm (Heliothis armigera.) – The polyphagous larva of this insect feed on corn, tobacco, cotton and other vegetables. In tomato, the larva damages the fruit at any stage of growth rendering it non-marketable.

3. Aphids (Aphis gossypii) – The insect pest attacks tomato, cotton, and other crops by sucking the sap of the leaves and stem of the plant. It can also transmit (vector) cucumber mosaic virus. Severe infestation of aphids results in the accumulation of their sweet and sticky substances on the infested plant parts, which serve as a medium for the growth of black molds that block the photosynthetic activity of the leaves. It is the aphids’ secret toxic substances that result in curling of the shoots and dwarfing of the internodes of tomato. This symptom reduces the plants’ reproductive potentials.

4. White fly (Bemicia tabaci) – This white fly is a serious pest of tomato that attacks the plant by sucking the sap of the leaves. It also acts as a vector of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) that causes yellowing and curling of tomato leaves resulting in stunted plants with aborted flower and fewer fruits.

5. Thrips (Frankiniella occidentalis) are minute pests that suck the leaves of the tomato. It is a vector of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) that reduces yield.


1. Tomato mosaic Virus (TMW) – This virus causes mosaic pattern on the leaves of tomato coupled with curling of the young leaves and shoots. Most of the varieties are tolerant to tomato mosaic virus and are capable of bearing fruits throughout their life span but are not prolific as the healthy plant. The disease is seed-borne.

2. Late blight – is caused by the fungus. Phytophthora infestans (Montagne) de Bary. The symptoms are seen as brown spots on the older leaves with yellowish advancing lesion. Under favorable condition the symptom progress to upper leaves, stems and fruits of the plant.

The advance stage of the disease is seen as a whitish growth on the fruit. The disease can be transmitted by mechanical means while the growth and development of this fungus is favored by a moist and cooler condition of the environment. Under severe infection, the plant may succumb to death.

3. Bacterial wilt – The causal organism is Pseudomonas solanacearum that infects tomato and other solanaceous crops. The pathogen is either soil-borne or seed-borne. It invades the roots of tomato then progresses to the vascular bundle where it interferes with the translocation of nutrients and water. Advanced symptom is browning of the inner parts of the stem, wilting of the plant before it dies.

4. Bacterial spot – is caused by Xanthomonas campestris var. vesicatoria an agent of bacterial spot, which is characterized by a sunken irregular brown spots on the fruits, stems, and leaves of tomato (Fig. 4d). Fruits infected with bacterial spots are considered non-marketable. The disease is common during wet season planting and is transmitted through the seeds. Weeds are some of the alternate hosts of this bacterium, which becomes latent after the cropping period.

5. Root knot nematode – This parasitic nematode (Melodogyne incognita) attacks the roots of tomato that results in the formation of knots and galls on the roots. Infected tomato become susceptible to other root disease. Above ground symptoms shows stunting of the plant with moderate wilting as that of water stress.

6. Fusarium Wilt – the fungus Fusarium oxysporum is the causal agent of the fungal wilt of tomato. The pathogen is soil-borne with the similar symptom with that of bacterial wilt. The only difference is the presence of white mycelia (thread-like) that grow on the infected part of the plant.

7. Early blight Alternaria solani (Ell. and G. Martin) Sor. – This fungus incites the symptom of early blight in tomato. This fungus is prevalent during the cool months of the year, infecting the leaves, stems and aboveground parts of the plant. The symptom appears as target-like spots on the leaves. At fruiting stage, infected fruit shows numerous irregular spots and the disease can cause high yield loss if not immediately controlled

8. Powdery mildew – is caused by the fungus Leveillula taurica (Lev) Arnaud. The symptom is like a white talcum powder on the surface and undersurface of the leaves. The growth and development is favored by warm condition of the environment with low humidity. The profuse powdery growth of the organism covers the surface of the leaves and other parts causing the leaves to become yellowish then turns brown and die.

9. Leaf mold – The causal organism of this disease is Cladosporium fulvum Cooke. It is characterized by brownish spots with molds on the under surface of the leaves and later coalesce into blight. During severe infections, the leaves turn brown and die resulting in reduced flowering and fruiting span of the plant.

10. Blossom end rot – The primary symptom of this physiological disorder is calcium deficiency, which is characterized by dry rot with water-soaked appearance at the blossom end of the immature fruits, It later enlarges and turns into papery or leathery sunken brown to black rot upon infection of saprophytic fungi (secondary symptom). Fruits with end rots are non– marketable.

Table 3. Biological and remedial control of pests and diseases of tomato.
Insect pest and diseases Suggested management
A.) Insect pest:
To control worms at fruiting stage, spray neem seed extract at 200-300 ml/16 L or hot pepper fruit extract 100-200 ml/16 L. For cutworm, spray before twilight.
Spray with Thuricide HP or Dipel (Bacillus thuringiensis) following manufacturers recommended dosage. These are bacterial pesticides
28 spotted beatle, mites, leafhoppers, whitefly/thrips To drove other pests spray 100-200 ml pure tubai leaf extract/16 L of water on the plants alternate it with spraying karot tuber extract (100-200 ml tuber extract per 16 L water). Do it twice a week.
Puff smoke on the crop twice a week during the whole growing period.
For thrips, mites, leafhopper and white fly, practice overhead irrigation.
For thrips use blue sticky trap, for whitefly use yellow sticky trap.
B) Diseases:
Leaf spot
To control these disease spray the leaves with zinc oxide power at 2-3 tbsp/16 L water (with 1 tbsp sticker during wet season). Spray decoction of serpentina 10ml extract per 16 L water.
Fungal wilt/bacterial wilt Treat the seeds with Centella asiatica (takip kuhol) decoction at 45°C to 50 °C for 2-5 minutes. Uproot infected plants and burn outside the area. Drench infected soil with 5% solution of zonrox then expose to sunlight. Avoid surface irrigation. Do not cultivate or touch infected plants as this will transfer the pathogens to other plants. If possible, hand water the plants early in the morning or late in the afternoon with 1 L/plant every week at vegetative stage and 2 L/plant every two weeks at fruiting stage for clay loam soil.
Bacterial spot To prevent this disease, spray a decoction of guava, star apple and avocado (done by boiling 1 kg leaves of each in 3 gallons of water for 5 minutes). For stronger concentration, restore 1 gallon decoction to 16 L water with 1 tbsp sticker. Spray on leaves and fruits of tomato once a week.
Minimal infection if grown after rice. Practice good drainage and use large dose of organic manure.
Powdery mildew Spray Cassia alata (Andadasi or Acapulco) leaf extract at the rate of 1 L leaf extract/16 L water with sticker then spray vigorously on leaves and whole plants. For severe infection, spray a ratio of 1:1 leaf extract to water twice a week until the fruiting stage. As a disinfectant and as a preventive measure, spray 16 ml zonrox per/6 L of water or 1tbsp baking soda/16 L of water on the whole plant once a week.
Leaf mold Burn infected plant residues after harvest. Plant tomato after rice and plant other crops after tomato (crop rotation). Plant resistant varieties.
Nematode Plant 1 month old marigold seedlings as intercrop two weeks before transplanting of tomato. Plant resistant varieties.
Early Blight Spray Acapulco leaf extract.
Late Blight Spray Acapulco leaf extract alternate with serpentine decoction.
Blossom rot Spray the plants with nutrients high in calcium at flowering stage. Or spray the plant with fresh malunggay leaf extract at a ratio of 1:4 malunggay extract to water. Or spray with decoction of seaweeds, decoction of burned sea shells, crabs and shrimps skeletons (1:10 shells to water).
Sources: Colting, L. M., et al, 2003; Farmers’/Gardeners’ Practices


Table 4.  Chemical control of insect pests and diseases of tomato.
Insect Pests and Diseases Suggested Pesticides Rate Application (tbsp/16 L water) When and How to Apply
Common Name Product Name
A. Insect Pests
Aphids Methomyl Lannete 40 SP 4.0-8.0 Spray any of the insecticides as soon as insect infestation is observed. Repeat spraying at 7-10 days interval or depending on level of insect population.
28-spotted beetle Carbaryl Sevin 85 S 4.0-6.0
Thrips Provin 85 WP 4.0-6.0
Fruit worm Methomyl Lannate 40 SP 4.0-8.0
Deltametrin Decis R 1.5-2.5
Lambdacyhalothrin Karate 2.5 EC 1.0-1.5
Carbaryl Provin 85 WP 4.0-6.0
Whiteflies Thiamethoxan Actara 25 WG 1.5-2.0 Spray as soon as symptoms are observed. Repeat at 7-10 days depending on level of infection.
Triazophos Hercules 4.0-6.0
Powdery mildew, Early & late blight/Leaf spot
Chlorathalonil Daconil 75 WP 4.0-6.0 Spray as soon as symptoms are observed. Repeat at 7-10 days depending on level of infection.
Mancozeb Dithane M-45 4.0-6.0
Metalaxyl Ridomil MZ 58 WP 6.0-10.0
Bacterial spot
Bacterial wilt
Copper oxychloride Vitigran Blue 35 WP 4.0-6.0 Spray when the first cluster is well formed. Repeat if required. Treat the seeds with 5% lime solution than subject to 50°C for two hours; air dry the seeds before sowing.
Source: Gajete, T.D. et. al 2004


By using a carabao-drawn plow or hand hoe, cultivate in between rows of plants by off barring at 14-21 DAT. Hill-up at 28-35 DAT. Spot-weed at the surrounding of the seedlings after each off-barring and hilling-up if there are standing weeds. If plastic mulch is available, mulch the area before transplanting.

Harvest Management

Harvest fruits intended for future use at matured green stage at 1-2 months during rainy season. Matured green fruits gradually ripen in one month at room temperature. Frequent harvesting sustains the production of more fruits. For immediate use, harvest the fruits at breaker pink stage. These will fully ripen within three days at ambient temperature but can be slowed when stored in a refrigerated condition.

References: Production and Management of tomato. July 7, 2008. Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture.

Tomato Production Guide Technology Option 1

Seedbed Preparation

1. Make seedbed 50 cm apart with any convenient length in an area fully exposed to sunlight
2. Pulverize the soil thoroughly and add compost or dried animal manure at the rate of 5 kg per sq meter.
3. Sterilize the soil by burning rice straw or rice hull on top of the seedbed for 4-5 hours to kill soil-bon pathogens.
4. Drench the seedbed with fungicide-insecticide solution.
5. To protect the seedlings from heavy rains, place plastic roofing.


1. Wet the seedbed thoroughly before sowing.
2. Make horizontal rows 5cm apart.
3. Sow 80-100 seeds in every 50 cm row (150-200 g of seeds are needed per hectare).
4. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and place rice straw mulch.
5. Water the seedbed daily (seedlings start to emerge 3-6 days from sowing).

Care of Seedlings

1. 3-5 days fater germination, prick the seedlings by transferring them into a tray or seedbox to allow more space between seedlings and prevent damping-off. In the absence of seedling tray or seedbox, use paper pots (rolled), “lukong” or rolled banana leaves, and plastic bags.
2. Plant the seedlings in a soil mixture consisting of garden soil, compost (or well decomposed animal manure, and rice hull in a 2:3:1 ratio). If possible, sterilize the soil mixture by baking or through steam.
3. Drench the newly pricked seedlings with fungicide solution to prevent damping-off. If insect appears, spray the seedlings with appropriate insecticide.
4. For large scale production, use seedbed. In this case, pricking is not done. Instead, thinning is done to allow more space between seedlings.
5. A week after pricking or thinning, apply starter solution (2 tbsp Ammonium Phosphate (16-20-0) or 14-14-14 dissolved in 1 gal water).
6. A foliar fertilizer may also be used.
7. 1 week before transplanting, harden the seedlings by gradually reducing the amount and frequency of watering until the seedlings experience temporary wilting.

Land Preparation

1. Plow and harrow the soil twice.
2. Make furrows distanced at 0.75-1 meter for determinate and semi-determinate varieties and 1.5 m for indeterminate varieties.
3. Place 500g compost or dried manure per hill if the soil is not fertile.


1. Select healthy seedlings with 3-5 leaves 3-4 weeks after seedling emergence.
2. Transplant 2-3 seedlings per hill spaced 40 cm apart.
3. Transplant in the afternoon.
4. Press the soil gently around the base of the seedlings.
5. Water immediately.
6. Replant missing hills 5-7 days after transplanting.


1. Trellising is recommended in growing semi-determinate and indeterminate varieties.
2. Use bamboo or ipil-ipil poles as post.
3. Tie the branches to the post and train the vines using plastic straw.

Nutrient Management

1. 1-2 days before planting, apply 20 g 14-14-14 per hill and mix it thoroughly with the soil.
2. 3-4 weeks after transplanting, mix 2 parts of Urea (46-0-0) with 1 part Muriate of Potash (0-0-60) and apply 1 tbsp (10g) of the mixture 6-8cm away from the base of the plants in bands (first sidedressing).
3. Apply another 1 tbsp of the mixed fertilizer two weeks later (second sidedressing).

Water Management

Depending on the weather and soil, water the plants once a week until early fruiting stage.

Pests Management


1. Use Trichogramma chilonis or botanical insecticides like native hot pepper.
2. Use insecticide only if necessary.


1. If the disease is caused by a fungus, spray with fungicide and remove the damaged leaves.
2. If the disease is caused by a virus and bacteria, pull-out, bury or burn the whole plant immediately to prevent its spread to other healthy plants


1. Remove the weeds near the base of the plants before the first sidedressing.
2. Off-bar and hill-up the soil to prevent the weeds.
3. Mulch with rice straw during dry season. For large plantation, mulch with black plastic. Mulching also conserves soil moisture.

Harvest Management

1. Harvest mature green or pink-blushed fruits early in the morning
2. Place the harvest in bamboo crates lined with banana leaves or used newspaper to prevent mechanical damage to the fruits.
3. Avoid over- or under- packing.
4. Remove bruised and damaged fruits.
5. Pack together fruits with similar maturity in one container.

Seed Production


Harvest fruits that have reddish streaks to fully red ripe stage.

Seed Processing

1. Cut fruits in half and squeeze out the seed with the juice into a container. Allow mixture to ferment 1-2 days or easier removal of mucilaginous seed coat.
2. Dip a fine-holed strainer and rub seeds gently into the strainer to remove the coating.
3. Put the seeds in a pail of water to allow immature seeds to float. Discard water together with the floated seeds leaving the good seeds that settled at the bottom of the pail. Repeat the procedure until no floats can be found.
4. Put seeds in a net bag and air dry them for 2-3 days before sun drying for 4-5 days. Increase the sun drying time as the seeds dry. For oven drying, dry seeds initially to no more than 30°C, and increase it to 40°C as the seeds dry.
5. For dry sealed packaging, dry the seeds to 8% moisture content.


1. Dry seed absorb moisture from the air. Use moisture resistant packaging materials such as thick polyethylene plastic, aluminum foil, tin cans, or glass jars. Seal well.
2. Seeds can be packed in paper packets but must be placed in large tin cans or wide-mouth glass jars with desiccants (charcoal, silica gel, calcium chloride, quick lime, or wood ash) at the bottom.
3. Cover tightly.


Keep seeds away from moisture and high temperature. The cooler and drier the area, the longer the life of the seeds.

Proper Handling

Tomato is a perishable crop which deteriorates rapidly if not properly handled. Some tips to preserve the freshness and lengthen the storage life of the fruits are as follows:

1. Harvest fruits at the right stage of maturity. If intended for fresh market and long distance shipment, harvest at the mature-green stage; for processing purposes, harvest at the red-ripe stage.
REASON: Harvesting of immature fruits results in irregularly ripened and poor quality fruits while picking beyond the optimum stage of maturity renders them unsuitable for long-distance shipment.

2. Pick tomatoes during the cooler times of the day, usually at dawn. If it is necessary to harvest up to noon time, keep the harvested fruits in a shaded area soon after picking.
REASON: During this time, temperature is low thus, metabolic processes are slowed down. At noon time, the temperature is high and exposure of the fruits to the sun will increase fruit temperature which hastens weight loss and ripening.

3. Avoid harvesting during rainy days.
REASON: Rain water accumulated on the stems favors growth and development of disease-causing microorganisms.

4. Avoid wounding the fruit when harvesting.
REASON: Injuries incurred during harvesting serve as avenue for entry of microorganisms, hasten water loss and speed up the ripening process.

5. Avoid dropping the fruits into the harvesting containers or when transferring them to the collecting crates.
REASON: Impact bruises on the commodity can result in non-visible symptoms of deterioration manifested internally as brown to black discoloration in the seed area.

6. Avoid over and under packing; allow enough spaces after shaking the containers.
REASON: Over-filled or loosely-packed containers will have a high percentage of injured fruits.

7. Line the crates with newspaper or thin pin-pricked polyethylene bag.
REASON: Liners protect the fruits from mechanical injury while pin-pricked polyethylene bags regulate ripening.

8. Pack only clean, disease-, insect- and injury-free tomatoes.
REASON: Diseased fruits may infect sound ones while injured commodities are readily infected and ripen faster.

9. Have a uniform stage of ripeness within the pack.
REASON: Ripening fruits produce ethylene which causes faster ripening of green ones.

10. Use crates with smooth inner sides.
REASON: Rough inner sides cause bruising of fruits during transport.

11. Arrange containers with enough spaces to allow air circulation during transport.
REASON: Free air circulation will prevent over-heating and will also allow free gas exchange between the commodity and the environment.

12. Be careful when loading and unloading the containers.
REASON: Careless loading and unloading aggravate compression and abrasion damage.

13. Store ripe fruits separately from unripe ones.
REASON: Ripe fruits give off ethylene which hastens the ripening of unripe ones.

14. Delay the ripening of green-mature fruits by keeping them in pin-pricked, (0.05 mm) polyethylene bags for six days at ambient condition.
REASON: The high carbon dioxide and low oxygen inside the polyethylene bag delay ripening.

15. Store green-mature fruits (in small amounts) in moist sawdust.
REASON: The high relative humidity and relatively low temperature attained with sawdust storage minimize weight loss.


Fliers. Tomato. September 2008. Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna.

Package of Technology of Different Vegetable Crops: Technology Generation and Dissemination for the Growth and Development of Vegetable Industry.2005.DA-RFU 4A& Bureau of Agricultural Research, Diliman Quezon City.


What is the difference between crowdfunding and crowdsourcing?

A lot of people often confuse crowdfunding and crowdsourcing to mean the same thing but even though they sound similar and are similar in techniques, they mean two different things entirely. In fact, crowdfunding is a type of crowdsourcing because crowdsourcing encompasses many things.Crowdsourcing involves receiving ideas, contributions, collaboration,services or ideas from a huge number of people usually on the internet. It is a way of combining the efforts of several people to achieve a better and more desirable result. You must have heard of the term ‘division of labor’ before. We can liken crowdsourcing to division of labor where tasks are divided between several people to make the task completed faster and make the work less monotonous.

Crowdsourcing comes from two words; outsourcing and crowd. Crowd is used to refer to people, so simply put, crowdsourcing means outsourcing of a company’s functions to a large group of people (on the internet) instead of assigning the job to selected employees.

For instance, if there is a problem to be solves or a task to be performed, the company throws it out to the public to provide solutions. Solution providers are sometimes compensated with financial benefits and at other times, they are only compensated with awards and recognitions. The company (Crowdsourcer) on the other hand, benefits from having solutions provided to their challenges without spending too much money. There are five major types of crowdsourcing viz;

Types of Crowdsourcing Vices

  • Crowdfunding
  • Creative Crowd sourcing
  • Microwork
  • Wisdom of the crowd
  • Inducement Prize contests

a. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the most popular type of crowdsourcing and it involves raising the needed capital to finance a project or a business. Through crowdfunding, people with smart business ideas but lack the necessary capital to follow it through may be able to raise the needed funds by getting financial donations and investments from a large group of people on the internet.

Crowdfunding has been used to fund a lot of projects in the past such as political campaign funding, business startup funding, disaster reliefs etc. Crowdfunding is also used to raise money for humanitarian projects such as medical relief or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s). There are four basic types of crowdfunding-:

  1. Equity based crowdfunding-: Under this method of crowdfunding, investors contribute to a business or project with the hope of becoming a joint owner, receiving shares of the company or any other type of monetary gains in the future. Contributors under this method are seen as investors in the business.
  2. Donation based crowdfunding-: No form of financial rewards or direct benefits is expected or awarded under this form of crowdfunding. People contribute to a charitable course such as helping people with medical bills, provision of disaster relief, scholarships, rehabilitation, NGO’s and other similar charitable activities.
  3. Debt based crowdfunding-: This involves borrowing money from people with the aim of returning such funds usually with interests.
  4. Reward based crowdfunding-: Contributors under this category expect to be compensated for their contributions in monetary or non-monetary forms.

b. Creative Crowdsourcing

Creative crowdsourcing involves getting different ideas and solutions for a particular project. It allows for several people to contribute creative ideas to a task together. Creative crowdsourcing could be used for projects like graphic design, architecture, writing, illustration or fashion design. A very good example of a company that makes use of creative crowdsourcing is Wikipedia which encourages users to contribute to information.

Rewards for creative crowdsourcing may be extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic rewards may be in the form of financial compensation and recognition while intrinsic rewards may include knowledge expansion, fun or opportunity for personal expression.

Creative crowdsourcing doesn’t necessarily have to be anonymous in nature; People working on a crowdsourced project may work in the form of collaboration where everyone comes together to work as a team. For instance, if the task involves graphic design,a particular group may be assigned the task of designing while another group would be saddled with evaluating and making necessary corrections and adjustments and together, they would be able to turn outa superb design.

c. Microwork

Microwork also known as microtasking. It involves division of a project into several smaller tasks and sharing such tasks to several people on the internet to perform and complete such tasks. For instance, a company that is into data entry and processing may engage the services of several freelancers on the internet to complete the tasks and get paid for their contributions. Other companies that make use of such services include content writing companies, call centers, network marketers and language translation companies.

Microwork is beneficial to contributors because it allows them the opportunity to work from the comfort of their homes and also offers them flexibility and tax-free earnings. The company outsourcing the job on the other hand benefits from having large volumes of job completed within a short period and at cheaper costs since there would be no need for pensions or retirement benefits.

d. Wisdom of the crowd

Wisdom of the crowd involves gathering collective opinions of a large group of people over a particular subject or issue. It is often believed that the opinions of a large group of people are better and more useful than the opinion of a single individual. A very good example of a company that makes use of this technique is Yahoo! On the Yahoo! Answers website, you would find a lot of responses to a single question. Wisdom of the crowd is also used to sample public opinions on a political candidate or for market or product research.

e. Inducement Prize contests

Inducement prize contests are in form of competitions where people are awarded with cash or other prizes for achieving a particular feat or winning a challenge or contests. It is usually used to encourage innovations and technological advancements. There are usually preset criteria and conditions required to win such prizes.

As can be seen above, crowdfunding is different from crowdsourcing. Crowdfunding is only one of the several types of crowdsourcing just like microworking, wisdom of the crowd, inducement price contest and creative crowdsourcing.


21 Best Working Capital Management Tips, Strategies & Techniques.

Is your company tight on cash but you want to stay afloat and still grow the business? If YES, here are 21 best working capital management tips, strategies and techniques you can apply to salvage your business.

The concept of working capital can be traced back to old Yankee peddlers who would fill their wagons with different things and go around selling them. It involves three important processes. The first is that the peddler buys the goods on credit from a supplier, then he sells them and collects cash for a profit and then finally he repays the supplier of his merchandise to show that he is worthy of a new loan.

What is Working Capital Management?

These days, the basic principles remain the same but the definition has evolved since then. Working capital management refers to the way managers use short term financing to fund their current assets, such as cash and other cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid expenses etc.

Current assets are a must have for any business, but managers should remember that there are costs associated with holding them. If a company can reduce its current assets without hurting sales, then profitability will inevitability increase.

Working capital management which is closely related to financial supply chain management concerns all companies, irrespective of their current situation and performance.

Companies buy goods and services from their suppliers, store the goods during and after the production process before selling them to their customers. This cycle takes up a high percentage of a company’s available liquidity. Usually a company only gets the liquidity back when the manufactured goods have been paid for.

This is exactly where working capital management will be applied. By optimizing various processes, the amount of tied up capital can be reduced. The company can then use the additional liquidity to make investments or fuel growth in new markets.

Without a doubt, the need for effective capital management cannot be overemphasized because it helps to increase the company’s profitability and also makes financial operations easier. It is sad to note however that a report by PWC discovered that since the financial crisis, that there has been a decrease on focus on working capital.

This will spell doom for a lot of companies in the long run. Here are the best working capital management tips, strategies and techniques you can use to secure your working capital.

1. Manage procurement and inventory

Effectively keeping track of the amount of inventory you have at any given time is one of the hallmarks of an effective working capital management. This is because having more stock than necessary can put excessive pressure on the amount of cash the business has to run its other activities. Again, it can lead to damage of the product due to long storage if the stock is time sensitive.

On the other hand however, not having enough stock can result in a business losing sales to its competitors and ultimately damage to its image. In other to maintain an efficient inventory, you should take note of the items you purchase and the amount that you sell them. In other to do this, you will need to maintain an optimum level of stocks.

You can achieve this by maintaining a strong linkage of information and communication between the various departments and forecasting the possible rise and fall in demand so as to prevent your business from having too much or too little stock at any given time.

If a business does not know the level of stock that it has at any given time, then it will be close to impossible for the company to determine its optimum level and this could result to a lot of disadvantages for the business. You can counter this by taking stock of the number of products you have so as to monitor what you have at hand and justify the need to purchase more stock or not to.

2. Pay vendors on time

It goes without saying that being discipline in your payment process is a very vital part of the payable process. Studies and researches that have been made about working capital levels have shown that the biggest improvement comes from improved payable performance and reduced days payable outstanding (DPO).

Businesses that pay on time for the goods and service that they purchase have a better working relationship with their suppliers and have an upper hand when trying to negotiate better deals such as discounts and payment terms with their suppliers, should the need arise.

If you can keep your suppliers happy and stay in their good books, then you will be able to save money in the long run when it comes to getting larger discounts for bulk buying, recurring order and maximizing the credit period.

3. Improve the receivables process

In order to make the receivable process shorter, it is best that the business should have a good collection system in place. You should endeavor to send out invoices as soon as possible. Sometimes there may be lapses, bulky bureaucratic processes or inefficiencies that may result in delays in the process of sending invoices out.

If this happens, then the invoice process will have to be examined and reassessed in order to make it very streamlined and make it as effective as possible. Technology can easily be employed to improve electronic delivery of invoices and thus speed up the billing and collection process, and ultimately speed up the cash conversion process and cycle.

Furthermore, invoices should be scrutinized for any mistakes before they are sent out to the debtor so as to avoid delayed payment. You can also remind your debtors from time to time that they owe you and need to pay up as soon as possible.

4. Manage debtors effectively

To ensure that you have working capital available at any time, you have to make sure that money is coming into the business and on time too. If necessary, you may need to re-examine the credits and contracts that you have with your debtors so as to make sure that you are not giving them a very large window to pay up for the goods and services that they have purchased because this could have a negative effect on the cash flow of your own company.

The credit terms you signed with your debtors should be in such a way that it will benefit your company and your cash flow needs. You should endeavor to reduce bad debts to the barest minimum by implementing more rigorous credit checks and also ensure that effective credit control procedures are in place to chase late paying customers.

5. Make informed financing decisions

Working capital is interest free and comes with no condition and as such, it is the cheapest and fastest source of cash for a company. A study that was carried out recently was of the opinion that about sixty five percent of organizations do not have an immediate need to finance.

By putting their working capital in an order of preference, the company will be able to make strategic investment decisions which drives operational performance and efficiencies. On the other hand, not having enough operating liquidity due to the fact that the products you have are tied up as stocks, inventory and unpaid invoices can have a huge effect on cash flow.

6. Determine the business requirement

Determining the exact business requirement is the first step in deciding on the best way to fund working capital. Whether your business is starting out, in its first few years or you intend to expand your business, it will require different approaches and ultimately different financing solution.

Due to the fact that there are various methods that suit each stage of a company’s lifestyle, it is really necessary to regularly discuss plans and requirements internally with the senior management team and with external financial providers so that you can carefully plan and access your capital needs in accordance with the strategic objectives of the company.

7. Forecasting

In order to ensure that a company has an effective working capital management, it is very necessary to foster proper cash flow forecasting. When you are making a forecast, you should take into account the impact of essential factors like actions by your competitors, loss of prime customer, unforeseen event and market cycles. Cash flow forecasting is also advantageous in the sense that it helps to strengthen the balance sheet of a company and also stabilizes the finance that is available to the business.

8. Efficient capital management

By expertly combining your company’s operational and financial skills, you can be able to recognize and implement new strategies which will help it to generate cash in the short term. With the aid of competent company executives, responsible targets can be set for the organization, proper accounting of its performance levels can be made and can be catalysts and change agents.

9. Alternative financing

Sometimes taking up loans can be quite problematic for small business owners and as such, they may need to explore other alternative so as to meet their need for cash. Invoice factoring and working capital advances help in getting the cash faster. By using alterative techniques, you will be able to improve the overall cash flow of the company.  

10. Shorten the operating cycle

Typically, the operating cycle of almost all businesses begins when purchase of raw materials is made with the conversion of account payable into cash. It goes without saying that if the operating cycle takes a long period of time, that a lot of working capital will be locked up in it. By shortening the operating cycle, a business can help to free up its cash faster and will thus improve the short term liquidity of the company.

11. Increase the volume of sales and reduce the expenses

The easiest way to improve the working capital position of any company is to simply reduce the cost of production. You will have to carefully scrutinize your expenses such as the amount of money that is being spent on business trips, rent, office stationary et al. so that you can decide the expenses that are not too important and cut them off without affecting output, thereby saving costs.

Increasing your sales revenue can also be another way to improve your working capital as long as the growth in revenue is greater than the increase in expenses required to generate it.

12. Invest in operations

Don’t just invest in operations, but also invest wisely in operations. At the time being, you may be putting your working capital into wrong areas of your business. For instance, if you are spending almost everything you make on production processes and very little on marketing and sales, will you find it very difficult to get new customers who are very much needed to increase your cash flow. Take you time to access your business and find out areas you can pump in funds for the greatest benefits.

13. Avoid wastage at all cost

At face value, it may appear that repairing an equipment is always the most cost effective solution to purchasing or leasing a new one but this is not always the case. The truth is that in some cases, you could be spending too much on repairs just to keep a failing piece of equipment that could be reducing your productivity.

This is where you have to take an introspective look at the financial numbers of your business. You may find out that the initial equipment purchase price and long term return on investment is more cost-effective than constantly repairing the old one.

14. Outsource certain operations

Outsourcing of certain tasks can be double advantageous in the sense that it may lead to cutting costs and will also allow employees to concentrate their efforts in other more important areas of their business. Outsourcing can also be embraced if you operate a small business with limited staff that doesn’t have enough working knowledge or skills to effectively work in specific business departments. Operations such as sales, customer service, accounting or technical support can be outsourced to other people or organizations.

15. Be accurate with your bookkeeping reports

One of the problems that businesses face when trying to keep track of their working capital is that they do not have the necessary data that is required to make an accurate report. They have no idea where the money is being spent.

By organizing your accounting department and having an accountant who can go over your ledgers, you can reduce inaccuracies and thus make better business decisions. Having you accounts software in the cloud can also really come in handy as you can talk with your accountant over the phone while you are both looking at the same set of accounts.

16. Have an efficient collection procedure in place

You should not just build you assumption on the idealistic mindset that your customers and clients will settle their debts as at when due. You should not fold your arms and wait for them. Send payment reminders and work to get late paying clients on a better payment schedule. While offering discounts to fast paying clients is another option, ensure that you are not giving out too many discounts that can have a negative effect on your cash flow.

17. Make it easy for your debtors to pay you: Some businesses do not offer credit card facilities because it to too costly and at the end it makes it difficult for people to patronize them because of the difficult payment options. You should try to make it very easy for your customers to pay up their debts and also it is not advisable to remove a method of payment that many people take for granted.

18. Create efficiencies that will help to complete jobs and tasks faster

This can be achieved by improving the work place so that tasks are completed at a much faster rate and thus improve cash flow. This could be by way of professionals working with dual screens, updating machinery or using great systems. For instance, if you are able to implement anything that cuts a task that takes four hours to two hours, then you should be able to being in twice the amount of revenue for potentially the same costs.

19. Make use of a cash flow budget

A cash flow budget is a very important tool that a business needs to have, in the sense that it helps in understanding when things need to be paid for and when you will have peaks and troughs in income. With this kind of information before hand, you can be able to either organize overdrafts for lean times or put aside cash for expenses.

Working capital optimization programs must not just be restricted to the finance function. It should engage the company’s entire managerial team. It is erroneous to believe that all capital management problems can be addressed by treasury alone. Appoint local working capital strategy leaders or champions across the organization.

You should never artificially adjust working capital levels by means of delayed payments to suppliers or indiscriminately stepping up collection activities in order to boost quarter or year-end performance metric. These under-the-hand approaches to increase working capital can pose consequences to the business because of the reaction that will arise from such actions.

By delaying working capital to vendors, you may be able to reduce working capital over the short term, but that improvement is likely to disappear over time as vendors adjust their pricing accordingly. Dynamic discounting is prevalent.

Incentivize people to achieve their working capital optimization targets by recognizing and compensating your staff appropriately especially at the managerial level.

20. Make concerted efforts to always optimize your working capital

There may be the temptation to take your focus away from working capital especially if the business is still in its early stages because it may not present the most immediate concern. Also in times when the business is in a crisis, there may be diversion of attention from working capital to other more “pressing” fields.

However, it should be noted that businesses will always pay for neglecting to focus on their working capital. Ignoring your working capital can significantly inhibit a company’s ability to grow and meet demand once the business rebounds.

21. Provide an added value to your suppliers

A lot of big organizations are now using web portals to deliver fluid and hassle free accounting transparency for all their suppliers and even their financial transactions too, irrespective of their location. You can as well come up with methods, procedures and techniques that can greatly add value to your suppliers.

22. Always look forward

Strategic planning is very important when it comes to maintaining your working capital. You need to carefully plan and assess your capital needs in the next week, month, quarter, year and so on. You should assess the needs that may arise such as, will you need to upgrade your software? Provide employee training? Move to a larger office? etc

There are so many considerations to be made not to mention expenses that can suddenly come up. Plan accordingly and be prepared for any and everything. It should be noted that proper working capital management takes not only time but also effort. But however, it is critical if you want your business to grow and take advantage of new opportunities.


Is Investing In UBER A Wise Move?


So, you want to invest in UBER – the famous taxi-hailing service that has brought a mountain of digital disruption to the traditional taxi business. How profitable is it from a business perspective? Do the numbers add up? What’s the future like for this Uber in Kenya and Africa in general? Lets explore.

How Uber Operates

Well, if you really don’t have an idea what this Uber thing is all about then perhaps it’s important i tell you the ABCD of it.

Uber is an online service just like Facebook or Whatsapp. But to be specific while Facebook focuses on bringing the society together and Whatsapp focuses on chat services, Uber primarily focuses on bringing taxi drivers and taxi customers together.

People seeking to hire a taxi to move from place A to B simply log onto Uber and look for the most convenient taxi available. They then simply send the taxi driver a request. This simplifies things for everyone. The taxi guy gets customers easily while the customer gets the service conveniently at the touch of a button.

Let’s Talk Business

Anyone can join Uber and take advantage of its popularity to make some money. The only thing you have to do is make sure you have a good vehicle (currently they’re taking vehicles manufactured from 2009 onwards).

Once you’re admitted as a driver, customers will easily find you – and the more business you do the better your profile becomes. Customers will be rating your services with stars. The more stars you get, the more trustworthy and marketable you become.

How Much Money Can I Make With Uber in Kenya?

The taxi hailing service’s pricing guidelines are as follows (keep in mind that this prices came about after the previous offerings were revised down by 35%).

❖ Ksh.35 per Kilometer

❖ Ksh.3 per minute

❖ Ksh.100 Baseline

❖ Ksh.200 Cancellation Fine


For every customer you carry, Uber will take 25 per cent of the money you make…you keep the remaining 75 per cent. Basically, the more trips you make per day, the more you can make. The more customer requests you cancel, the more you lose.

Per Day Earnings (Estimates)

Having talked to a number of Uber drivers in Nairobi, i was able to get a rough idea of how much they make per day. One driver complained that there were too many Uber taxis and that the business had gone down significantly. He told me that on a bad day he gets at least 10 requests making at least Ksh.2,500


source: 200 profitable ideas by Titus Mirieri®



Another driver said that he makes at least Ksh.100,000 per month with his Toyota Belta car but added that he was worried about the proposed Value Added Tax V.A.T charges.


To join or not to join Uber? Well, that decision is entirely up to you. But while at it, it’s worth noting that every business has its own fare share of challenges. Given the recent reduction in per-trip charges, rising competition and worries about who should shoulder the burden of V.A.T the venture may prove less attractive to car owners who buy cars on loan and hire drivers to do the job for them.

That’s however not to say that the business is unprofitable. NO. If you can drive the car yourself, and maintain good client relations, you can make a decent living out of it. Alternatively, if you can afford to invest in a large fleet of cars, then you can take advantage of economies of scale to operate profitably.